Forge World Open Day 2011

Last minute problems meant that my plans to attend the Forge World Open Day fell apart, therefore like the rest of the gaming world I am reliant on other sites for news and pictures.

The Forge World Heavy Transport mentioned in a Forge World newsletter was not the Capitol Imperialis or Leviathan that was hoped for, but is basically an armoured Gorgon, a mobile pillbox.

Alas Warseer, a great source for pictures is currently “unsafe” and as a result is not available. Some of the Warseer pictures managed to get out though and you can see more on this site (in German).

Another release on show was this Forge World kit for the Dark Eldar.

I’ve always thought the Dark Eldar vehicles should have more sails.

Really nice.

Also on show were some nice new models from Warhammer Forge. Much of those we have already seen, but there was a big “bull” steed or monster, large Skaven rat monster, new Chaos Dwarfs and a Chaos Siege Giant.

Death Korps of Krieg

One of the things you may miss on this blog amongst all my entries, tags and pictures, is the community feed which is down on the right underneath the tag cloud. Update: with the demise of Google Reader, the community feed has been removed.

There are usually some wonderful things in that feed, but one which really caught my eye recently was this fantastic Death Korps of Krieg army.

Death Korps of Krieg

That is just one of many photographs of the army from the Senji Studios blog. I really like the aged and weathered look of the armoured vehicles and the infantry are well painted as well.

Excellent go and have a close look, there are lots more photos and bigger photos at that. Update: the site is now offline.

Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon

Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon during the Siege of Vraks.

Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon

The Imperial Guard use the Gorgon for heavy assaults. It is designed for breaching fortified lines and entrenchments, literally smashing its way through opposing defences to unleash its cargo of troops into the heart of the enemy position.

From the Forgeworld Siege of Vraks diorama at GamesDay 2007.

Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon

Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon during the Siege of Vraks.

Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon during the Siege of Vraks.
Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon during the Siege of Vraks

The Imperial Guard use the Gorgon for heavy assaults. It is designed for breaching fortified lines and entrenchments, literally smashing its way through opposing defences to unleash its cargo of troops into the heart of the enemy position.

GamesDay 2006

Today I was at GamesDay 2006 (and yes I did take some photographs, three hundred and twenty-one to be precise).

It was a really good event and I had a very enjoyable time.

It seemed less frantic than in the previous two years which meant that I had an opportunity for nice chats with a lot of different people.

One disappointment was the lack of previews and new stuff from either Forgeworld or the Design Studio. It use to be at GamesDay you would see cabinets of pre-release miniatures, today it seemed that the cabinets were full of miniatures you could actually go and buy.

I nearly did buy a Gorgon, a fantastic model and here is the painted one that was on display.

Imperial Guard Gorgon from the Forgeworld displays at GamesDay 2006.
Imperial Guard Gorgon from the Forgeworld displays at GamesDay 2006

I am hoping to post all 321 photographs over the next few days, but need to watch out for webspace and bandwidth issues.

Having put a few pounds away each week I had quite a tidy sum to spend and as per usual Forgeworld got most of my money, more details soon.

Overall I really enjoyed the event.

Update: Here is the show report with all the photographs.