Advance upon the enemy…

One of the games I enjoyed a lot at GamesDay 2007 was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrew’s excellent World War One demonstration game.

German forces complete with a captured British Mk IV Tank in German colours and soldiers armed with flamethrowers, move forward.

Advance upon the enemy…

You can see many more pictures of the game on my website.


One of the games I enjoyed a lot at GamesDay 2007 was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrews’ excellent World War One demonstration game.

There was some fantastic scenery such as this ruined house.

It was all the little details that made the game for me such the wonderful details. Such as the wallpaper and the fireplace inside the ruined building.

Great War British Infantry

Excellent stuff.

You can see many more pictures of the game on my website.

Destroyed Tank

One of the games I enjoyed a lot at GamesDay 2007 was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrews’ excellent World War One demonstration game.

It was all the little details that made the game for me such as this destroyed World War One tank.

Mk IV Tank Male slowly trundles forward crushing the barbed wire obstacles in its path.

Rusting away amongst the trenches giving cover to the advanced forces.

You can see many more pictures of the game on my website.

Stop the pigeon!

One of the games I enjoyed a lot at GamesDay 2007 was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrews’ excellent World War One demonstration game.

It was all the little details that made the game for me such as this carrier pigeon vignette.

Again it is the little touches, here an artillery spotter releases a homing pigeon.
Again it is the little touches, here an artillery spotter releases a homing pigeon.

You can see many more pictures of the game on my website.