More shading

I got a couple of Ruined Factorum sprues that came with Warhammer 40000 Imperium 34. The ruins are from the The Battlezone: Manufactorum – Sub-cloister and Storage Fane kit. One I decided I was going to paint in the same manner as the first Ruined Factorum, for the second I chose to follow the (white and red) paint scheme as outlined in Warhammer 40000 Imperium.

Having constructed the models I gave them a white undercoat. I sprayed the model a few more times with the Corax White spray. I then, following the instructions painted the doors and window frames with Mephiston Red base paint. The next step was to wash the models with Nuln Oil Shade.

I hadn’t quite got the look I was hoping for, so I decided to do some more shading, using Agrax Earthshade Shade and Seraphim Sepia Shade.

I think the floor looks a lot better as well.

This was much better and, much more the effect I was trying to achieve.

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