Crimean War

Crimean War Soldiers
A new era for me.

Looking at using the Waterloo rules from Warhammer Historical for this period, but the idea is small skirmishes rather than big battles.

I bought three blister packs, the models are from the Great War Miniatures Crimean War range.

British Command in Forage Caps

Great War Miniatures Crimean War range

British Infantry Centre Company Advancing in Forage Caps

Great War Miniatures Crimean War range

British Infantry Centre Company Firing in Forage Caps

Great War Miniatures Crimean War range

I am thinking that I might also use them for some Victorian Science Fiction scenarios set in Victorian England, something I have written about on my website before, looking at gaming in the world of The Difference Engine.

No More Warhammer Historical

It would appear that Games Workshop have closed down Warhammer Historical.

I have bought many of their publications in the past, really liked the production values, though I know many hard-core gamers looked down on the rules, I always thought that they were simple yet fun.

I should have guessed something was in the air when they did their relatively recent half-price sale. Then I got the new Great War supplement, the hardbacked Waterloo rules and the Old West expansion.

World War One Tanks

The Retronaut website has a great series of images of tanks from World War One in one of their recent blog posts.

World War One Tank

If you are thinking about making some scenery for games in this period, these photographs really do give you some interesting ideas.

There are a fair few images of damaged or immobilised tanks and so again useful guidance when making abandoned tanks as scenic pieces.

World War One Tank

Check out more images here.

If you want to see a fantastic looking demonstration game from World War One, then here are some photographs from Aly Morrison’s excellent game at GamesDay 2007.


This is a Ninja Assassin with pistol from Citadel Miniatures, circa 1990. I think I actually got him in the 1980s at some point. It was about this time that Citadel were selling various miniatures and not just those for Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. It’s very much a Perry design. In terms of painting I was using a black undercoat.

Flames of War Scenery

Having spent a bit of time making and painting models for Flames of War I have been thinking about doing some terrain. As well as potentially buying resin scenery, I have also been thinking about making some of my own.

There are lots of sources available on the web that can be used to inspire or to provide ideas for models. One recent find was the following entry on How to be a Retronaut on the destruction of Epinal in France during World War Two.

Epinal is a town in north-eastern France that was hit badly both by the German invasion in 1940 and subsequently with the liberation of the town by American forces four years later.

The destruction was horrific in 1940 as you can see from these images.

destruction of Epinal in 1940

destruction of Epinal in 1940

Likewise there was added destruction four years later as the forces of liberation pushed the Germans back.

destruction of Epinal in 1944

From a modelling perspective these photographs give you an idea of what war torn France looked like during the 1940s. Some of the key features that I have noticed is that in amongst the destroyed buildings there are others which have minimal damage. Plenty of ideas in these photographs.

Red Tails

This film from Lucasfilms is looking excellent. Some great special effects as well as authentic looking planes and tanks (we can thank CGI for that).

1944. As the war in Europe continues to take its toll on Allied forces, the Pentagon brass has no recourse but to consider unorthodox options — including the untried and untested African-American pilots of the experimental Tuskegee training program. Just as the young Tuskegee men are on the brink of being shut down and shipped back home, they are given the ultimate chance to show their courage. Against all the odds, with something to prove and everything to lose, these intrepid young airmen take to the skies to fight for their country — and the fate of the free world.

Want to go and see this.