Big Warhammer Book

I have posted previously pictures from the three-up Warhammer game which was ran at GamesDay 2006. As well as miniatures and scenery they also had a rulebook.

Which was three times as big as the normal rulebook.

It was big and cumbersome.

Oh and there on the right is Aly Morrison the man who came up with this idea and absolutely denied any chance of any three up models ever going on sale.

How do you make your Death Korps of Krieg look realistic…

Well you dress someone up and then take some photographs…

The Forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg infantry models are really excellent, well sculptured and beautifully designed.

How do you make your Death Korps of Krieg look realistic in the first place. Well it would seem that Forgeworld took one of their staff and dressed him up in some kit, a gas mask and gave him a old rifle.

Not a bad way of doing it, these are just some of the many photographs that were taken to give the poses a realistic look and feel.

Just shows how much work goes into these models.