On display at GamesDay 2008 were Forge World’s Ork Nob Warbikers. This is one of the three that make up the £50.90 set.
Now I do like the model in the photograph, however I was less of a fan of the others in the set. Now I do buy Forge World models, but at £50.90 I think that the set is a little overpriced; hey even the plastic Ork Warbiker Mob at £22.50 is in my opinion not that good value for money!
From a gaming perspective, the Ork Warbiker is a mean unit, how do I know, I have a unit of Deffkoptaz.
Thinking about getting the new Ork Mega-Force from Games Workshop which comes with nine Warbikes. Still won’t get the resin Nob Bikers from Forge World though.
More photographs of Ork Bikerz.
I was thinking of asking for these for Christmas but these photos don’t make them look that special.