Orks with Twin Big Shootas

Forgeworld weapon systems…

I have started putting together my Orks with Forgeworld Twin Big Shootas.

They are very nice resin pieces.

Though they are designed as weapon systems for Forgeworld vehicles, it would be nice if they also allowed you to use them as standalone heavy weapons by including a ground mount.

I may scratchbuild some ground mounts allowing my Orks to have additional heavy weapons on the ground rather than just attached to the vehicles.

What do you mean it is not in the Codex…. it doesn’t matter.

Grot Bomb Launched

Grot Bomb launched and bounced off the frontal armour again…

I do like the Forgeworld Grot Bomb Launcha and it is great fun in games.

This picture from a recent game is just after I launched the Grot Bomb at an Imperial Hellhound and as per usual it bounced off the frontal armour….

It seems to do that a lot, it strikes the target (always a tank), but fails to do any damage. Perhaps I should go for different targets such as infantry?

I think the real answer is to go for a few more and create a barrage of Grot Bombs, that may work…

You can see on my workbench feature how I put together and painted this excellent little model.