Doctor Who Podcasts

Tonight the first episode of Doctor Who of the new series (series four of the new new series and somebody will no doubt be able to tell me which actual series of Doctor Who it is if you take into account all the other Doctors. As it happens BBC Four is showing a William Hartnell Dalek story tonight (on right now as I write)).

Well not everyone knows that the BBC issue a commentary on the new series as a podcast which is available either from iTunes or from the BBC website.

This has cast and crew talking about the episode.

It is recommended that you watch the episode without the commentary first and then either listen (as I do) or watch again with the commentary.

I do like some commentaries (the cast commentaries on the Lord of the Rings films are really fun to listen to) and the Doctor Who ones have been pretty good in the past – though season three was my least favourite, here’s hoping that this new series of commentaries is better.

A couple of interesting Doctor Who links

Here are a couple of interesting Doctor Who links I found today.

Make Your Own Classic Doctor Who Scarf

With the re-imagined Doctor Who ready to return for a fourth season next month, I can’t help but think of one of the series’ enduring hallmarks; the Doctor’s ludicrously long scarf.  The scarf became a symbol not only of Tom Baker, the fourth actor to play the role, but also an icon of the quirky series.


Putting colour back in the Doctor’s cheeks

A new video restoration technique could see dozens of classic episodes of series such as Doctor Who and Dad’s Army restored to their original colour for the first time in more than 30 years.


Next month sees the next new series of Doctor Who and though Catherine Tate is in it I am still looking foward to it, hopefully it will be as good as the first three have been.

The new look of Doctor Who slightly geeky…

This will be the new look of the tenth Doctor.

David Tennant’s outfit is very different to Chris Ecclestone’s outfit but that is to be expected as everytime we have had a new Doctor we have a new outfit.

Lots of news from the new series, with the big story being the return of Sarah Jane Smith! We also see the return of the Cybermen.


Well the final episode saw what many saw as an end to Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman), with the character been written out of the series only to find out on Monday that she will be returning to some of the episodes in season four, but that she will also be starring in Torchwood with Captain Jack.

We then find out also on Monday that Kylie Minogue will be joining the good Doctor at Christmas on the Titanic for the festive special.

And today we find out that the Doctor’s new companion will be Catherine Tate reprising her role as Donna, the runaway bride from last year’s Christmas special!

To me it sounds like Martha was pushed to allow the Donna (Tate) character back in.

A bit of a companion frenzy if you ask me!

Really enjoyed last night’s episode of Doctor Who…

I really enjoyed last night’s episode of Doctor Who. The return of the Master was something I was not expecting (though I did think we would see Gallifrey and we did in a way with a flashback (I did like the fact that they used a similar style to the Time Lords of Gallifrey that I remember from the days of Tom Baker)).

I thought the Captain Scarlet aircraft carrier was a bit too futuristic, but I know that the Master had helped to design it using “alien” technology in the TARDIS.

John Simm was very good at the Master/Saxon and quite amusing as well.

We also saw a mention of UNIT.

Looking forward to the final episode next week.