Forgeworld Epic Ruined Librarium

I purchased a Forgeworld Epic Ruined Librarium some time ago, and despite undercoating it I hadn’t touched it for a while.

For some reason I decided to try and finish it. First stage following the black undercoat was to give it a heavy drybrush of Codex Grey.

Forgeworld Epic Ruined Librarium

This covered most of the model.

Forgeworld Epic Ruined Librarium

Next stage was to drybrush with a lighter gray, Fortress Grey.

Forge World Newsletter #177


Hi everyone,
Welcome to Forge World`s 177th newsletter. This issue announces the release of several exciting new items that we`ve previewed over the past few weeks at shows we`ve attended and here in our newsletters, namely the much-anticipated Malcador Heavy tank, Etched Brass for the Renegade Militia and a new sheet of Transfers for the Death Korps of Krieg.


Alan Bligh,
Forge World.

…But First A Thank You to Our Customers

As many of you will know, owing to the many events Forge World has attended over the last few months, both here and abroad and the popularity of our products, we`ve unfortunately had a few delays in getting orders to our customers as soon as we would like, and we`d like to thank you all for your patience with us during this period. The good news though is that thanks to fantastic labours of our warehouse staff we are back up to date and on top of things, and I’m happy to say order/dispatch times are now back to normal.

The Imperial Malcador Heavy Tank – Armoured Firepower!

Designed by Daren Parrwood, our new Malcador Heavy Tank has caused quite a stir since it was first previewed at our Forge World Open day in Nottingham back in April, and is now available for pre-order for release on the 2nd of July.

Malcador Heavy Tank

An ancient tank design perhaps even older than the Leman Russ, the Malcador is a huge, heavy and lumbering war machine intended to smash through enemy lines and batter through fortified defences with brute force. Designed to use its hull mounted demolisher cannon to deal with enemy tanks and bunkers, while its raised superstructure features no fewer than five heavy bolters giving all round arcs of fire to allow it to cut down swathes of enemy troops. This firepower is further added to by the addition of side-sponson weaponry, which may be either additional heavy bolters, heavy flamers or lascannon as needed. The Malcador is a mobile fortress, capable of raining down destruction on all sides and a powerful addition to any Imperial or Renegade force.

Although smaller than the Baneblade, the Malcador is still a super-heavy tank, and this superb model is a massive 200mm/8inches in length, you can see it compared to a Leman Russ here. A brand new design the tank kit features a range of weapon sponson options, trench rails and two alternate commander models, one for the Imperial Guard and the other for the Vraksian Renegade Militia.

The Malcador will be fully detailed in a forthcoming Imperial Armour book, but for now you can download experimental rules for the tank here and the model is usable in your games as part of a super-heavy vehicle detachment for both the Imperial Guard and the Vraksian Renegade Militia.

Renegade Etched Brass

Also fresh out for pre-order now for release on the 2nd of July is our new Renegade Militia Etched Brass, this fantastically detailed sheet is made up of thirty-four symbols of the Ruinous Powers in numerous shapes and styles, as well as twenty small corroded-looking numbering plates. They are ideal not only for adding detail to your Renegade Militia vehicles for the Siege of Vraks (and saving a lot of perilous free hand painting!), but are also great additions for any Chaos Marine or Lost and Damned force, and even as Warhammer Fantasy Battles Chaos banner and shield icons. You can pre-order this item here

Death Korps of Krieg Transfers

Another new addition is our new Transfer sheet for the Death Korps of Krieg. This large (A4 size) two colour (white and red) transfer sheet is a perfect way to individualize your Imperial Guard vehicles, troops, bunkers and terrain pieces, and while they have been made with our Death Korps in mind, they are perfectly usable with many other Imperial forces. You can find a picture of the new transfer sheets here. The sheets contain over 1000 symbols each, including numbered unit markings, Imperial Aquillas, mottos, shoulder pad insignia, battle group symbols, minefield warning signs, trench markings, and more. These transfer sheets are also available to pre-order now for release on the 2nd of July.

Games Workshop
Willow Road, Lenton
Nottingham, NG7 2WS

++++ MESSAGE ENDS ++++

Ork with Big Shoota

This is one of my conversions, an Ork with a Big Shoota. The Ork has had his Shoota extended with barrel of another Shoota to make a Big Shoota.

I started off with a black undercoat and then do all the metallic bitz with a drybrush of tin bitz and chainmail. I then do all the Ork skin with a dark green, usually Snot Green.

Ork with Big Shoota

I then highlighted with Goblin Green before doing final highlights with a mixture of Goblin Green and Bleached Bone.

Ork with Big Shoota

Still some way to go…