Undercoating the Old World Orc Warboss on Wyvern

On a recent visit to Warhammer World I purchased the boxed Orc Warboss on Wyvern for Warhammer: The Old World. I never had this (originally) metal kit, this version is resin and I did like it. After constructing and basing the model I gave it a white undercoat.

I also undercoated the Orc rider.

Constructing the Old World Orc Warboss on Wyvern

On a recent visit to Warhammer World I purchased the boxed Orc Warboss on Wyvern for Warhammer: The Old World.

Orc Warboss on Wyvern

I never had this (originally) metal kit, this version is resin and I did like it. I did think about using it for my Feral Ork army. Though I might paint it for an Orc and Goblin army for The Old World.

The model comes in a plain Forge World box. The original version of this model was metal. This has been re-released as a resin model. The castings were excellent. I washed the resin pieces which I then cleaned up.

I removed the extraneous resin and cleaned up the mould lines. I then put the model together. The model comes with plastic wings, the rest of the model is resin. The original release of this model was in metal.

There aren’t that many pieces and it has been well designed to fit together. I think it works better as a resin model than it did as a metal one. The body consists of three parts and a leg. In addition there are separate horns for the head.

The positioning on the base was similar to what GW had done with their model. The wings affixed really easily and certainly look the part.

The rider is a large orc and looks great. He has a separate shield, and there are three horns to add to his helmet. I kept him attached to the resin sprue for ease of painting.

There is lots of great detail in this model.

After putting the model together I added some sand and slate to the base.

I bought my pot of sand years ago, but as I was running low, I realised I wanted another tub, but Games Workshop had stopped selling it. I was lucky in finding a tub on eBay. I like the sand, as it also contains small stones, which enhances the bases.

The slate was from the Urban Basing Kit. This was released as part of Cities of Death. The box set contains 2 pots of slate, 2 pots of resin details and 1 pot of razorwire.

I saw that there were some gaps where the parts joined together, so I used some Green Stuff to fill the gaps.

Next step will be a white undercoat.

Opening the box

On a recent visit to Warhammer World I purchased the boxed Orc Warboss on Wyvern for Warhammer: The Old World.

Orc Warboss on Wyvern

I never had this (originally) metal kit, this version is resin and I did like it. did think about using it for my Feral Ork army. Though I might paint it for an Orc and Goblin army for The Old World.

The model comes in a plain Forge World box.

Within the box are a number of resin pieces, some plastic wings and a large rectangular plastic base.

The original version of this model was metal. This has been re-released as a resin model. The castings were excellent.

They will need to be washed, cleaned up, stuck together and then fitted onto the base.

Buying stuff at Warhammer World

I was visiting Warhammer World and decided I would treat myself to something. I did have an idea of the kits I might get, but wasn’t really set on any one thing.

I did consider getting the Macharius Vulcan Heavy Tank, which is one of the models on the top of my wants lost. However it wasn’t in stock. Another idea was the Warhammer World exclusive Land Speeder, but that also wasn’t in stock.

As I toured the exhibition, I decided that I would probably get some more Grot tanks, as I had enjoyed building and painting the ones I had bought before.

Though you can mail order models from Games Workshop (that aren’t available in your local gaming shop or even branches of Games Workshop) there is something about buying them from Warhammer World.

So, before I paid my money I did look around at what else was around. Seeing the metal models available for The Old World, I started to feel a little nostalgic. In the end I bought two models from The Old World Range.

I bought the Orc Warboss on Wyvern.

Orc Warboss on Wyvern

I never had this (originally) metal kit, this version is resin and I did like it.  did think about using it for my Feral Ork army. Though I might paint it for an Orc and Goblin army for The Old World.

The other thing I got were the Dwarf Engineers.

Dwarf Engineers

This was four metal models, which were originally released about twenty years ago. I never bought these, as my original dwarf army comprised miniatures from the 1980s and 1990s.

I was pleased with my purchases and am looking forward to constructing and painting them.


Orc War Wyvern

This is the old Citadel Orc War Wyvern, which is from the Games Workshop archive and was on display at Warhammer World.

An early release for Warhammer, I do in fact have one of these, somewhere! I remember having real issues gluing the wings using an epoxy resin glue, which I used back them to stick models together. Even then I then added lots of Milliput to keep them attached to the body. Today I would probably need to pin the wings to the body and use green stuff to fill the gaps.

I don’t appear to have a photograph of my model, maybe I should dig through my storage boxes and see if I can dig it out.

This model also looked it was on display at GamesDay 2006, going back through my photo archive.

Well there appear to be a few differences, in the model at Games Day the wings are joined and the box is quite mint. The more recent photograph shows sticky tape attached to the box as well as price…


Much better…

I really didn’t like the new Taurox Prime from Citadel, however I do think the Astra Militarum Wyvern is a much better designed model.

Astra Militarum Wyvern

The Wyvern Suppression Tank exchanges the Hydra’s anti-aircraft autocannons for a pair of twin-linked stormshard mortars. The tank excels in the claustrophobic environment of urban warfare, raining curtains of shrapnel down upon enemy infantry with ever exposing itself to harm.

This plastic kit can be assembled as either a Hydra or a Wyvern with 2 crewmen: a gunner and a spotter and has the option to equip a heavy bolter or a heavy flamer.

In many ways better than the Hydra, which you can also construct from the same box. Possibly a little tall, but that’s probably the only thing I don’t like.