In September 2009 Forge World announced a range of new Ork vehicles including the splendid Kill Krusha ‘Eavy Tank.
Kill Krushas are a heavy Ork tank design, based around the twin Ork loves of speed and extreme violence. These ‘mirakles’ of Orkish mekboy fabrication are alarmingly complex creations, high-sided and heavily armoured, whose internal spaces are filled with a mass of hydraulics, pistons, mechanised loader-gubbins and a very large and extremely temperamental engines. These are all tended by the frantic ministrations of numerous Grots who keep the rattling monster tank going with constant hammer blows, polishing and judicious application of oiler squigs. The tank’s main gun is its Krusha Kannon; a heavy bore, high velocity weapon capable of firing a variety of different shells. As well as standard explosive rounds, the Krusha Kannon can use armour-piecing ‘Tankhammas,’ shrapnel-filled ‘Scrap Kanisters’ able to rip open swathes of enemy infantry and incendiary ‘Blast Burnas’ which can drench fortifications with burning chemicals to roast alive anyone caught inside.
Back in April at the Forge World Open Day I snapped a few concept images of Ork tanks and these show the design process in producing the Kill Krusha model. I do like the resulting model more so than the concept sketches.
They also give you a few ideas if you want to create a new version of the Kill Krusha or convert the model.
It will be interesting to see if we see any variants on the Kill Krusha
See all my photographs from the Forge World Open Day 2009 in this gallery.
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