Really Excellent Ork Vehicles

In my attempts to search for more pictures of a Looted Rhino I was disappointed (in a weird manner) that this blog is now the number one result in a Google search for Forgeworld Ork Looted Rhino.

However I did find some excellent pictures of Ork vehicles from NightSerpent’s website, including this excellent Guntrukk.

He has done some excellent conversions and scratchbuilds and is well worth checking out. I did like the buggy as well.

His Warboss on a Warbike is particularly impressive.

Do check his site for more pictures and guides on how he built these wonderful models.

Ork Squig Capturing Vehicles

I have often used the gunners from Ork Buggies in many conversions.

This is an Ork Flagwagon with Gunners.

Ork Flagwagon with Gunners

This is an Ork Battlefortress with Gunners.

Ork Battlefortress with Gunners

This of course leaves the warbuggies…

One conversion I started was based on the vehicles from Jurassic Park II which were used to capture dinosaurs. I saw these vehicles as squig capturing buggies, the squigs would then be used either in small packs, to grow into Squiggoths or for food.

Ork Squig Capturing Vehicle

The conversion used the arm from an Ork Dreadnought which was snipped off to make a Killa Kan.

Heavy Weapon Ork Buggies towing Big Gunz

Here are two Heavy Weapon Ork Buggies towing Big Gunz.

The Buggies have had their gunner replaced with a Flak weapon from a Flakwagon, whilst one of the Big Gunz is a conversion of a flak weapon from a Flakwagon).

The Buggies were given a black undercoat, dry-brushed with Tin Bitz and Chainmail, details were picked out in red and orks painted green.

The Gunz were given a white undercoat, the black elements (the tires) were painted first, before the rest of the model was painted red. They were then given a thinned chestnut ink wash.