As well as my other Daemonhunters Inquisitorial Stormtroopers which are based on the Cadian Kasrkin I have also decided to add a unit based on the Tallarn or I may just use them as inducted Imperial Guard. I have had these models for a fair while.
I did look at my original painting scheme that I was using for the blister pack of Tallarn Imperial Guard. I had used a basecoat of Desert Yellow followed by a wash consisting of Chestnut Ink and Scorched Brown paint.
However I did think about doing something slightly different now that Contrast paints were available. I had painted some Star Wars Legion Rebel Troopers with Citadel Snakebite Leather Contrast paint and had been impressed with the results.
I painted the models with Snakebite Leather Contrast paint, after giving them another spray with Citadel Corax White to improve the effect of the contrast paint.
The next step was a drybrush. The other Tallarn models I painted I had drybushed the three models with Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone. Neither of these paints were available any more. So using this chart I used Layer Balor Brown instead of Snakebite Leather and used Layer Ushabti Bone instead of Bleached Bone.
These are the two crew for the missile launcher team.
Unlike highlighting and glazes and the suchlike, drybrushing does not give as neat as a finish as those methods. However I quite like the dusty look for these desert based models and these are going to be gaming models, not Golden Demon entries!
See the workbench journey for this Tallarn Imperial Guard boxed set and the workbench feature on the Tallarn Imperial Guard blister.