Homeward Bound

I was trying out the Firefox browser when I noticed that it had a search box which could not only be configured to search Google but also Amazon.

I did a search of Amazon to see if the follow-up to Settling Accounts was available to pre-order.

I was thus pleasantly surprised to see that Homeward Bound was going to be published in December, which I am guessing from the cover is a sequel to the WorldWar in the Balance and Colonisation series.

I really enjoyed the WorldWar series and combined with Guns of the South made me a real Turtledove fan.

Homeward Bound – Amazon.co.uk

Settling Accounts – Return Engagement – Finished

I have now finished Settling Accounts – Return Engagement which has just been published in the USA and available in the UK from Amazon.

It is a very good book and a great read. As per usual the book ends…. well that would be spoiling things so no comment!

It is a fascinating alternate history and shows how lucky the USA was in our world in avoiding war been fought on the continental United States with the horrors of Blitzkreig and blanket bombing.

There are quite a few gaming opportunities available for this alternate history.

Get Settling Accounts: Return Engagement from Amazon.

Settling Accounts – Return Engagement

I am about halfway through Settling Accounts – Return Engagement, which has just been published in the USA and available in the UK from Amazon.

I am really enjoying it and Turtledove does a very good alternate World War Two.

You can purchase the UK edition in October (which has a much better cover in my opinion).

I am a bit of a fan of Turtledove, but didn’t enjoy American Empire as much as previous books until I read the final part.

American Empire – Harry Turtledove

Just finished the third book in the trilogy…

I have just finished reading The Victorious Opposition and I am about to purchase the next in the series, Return Engagement, which has just been published in the USA and available in the UK from Amazon.

You can purchase the UK edition in October (which has a much better cover in my opinion).

I am a bit of a fan of Turtledove, but didn’t enjoy American Empire as much as previous books until I read the final part of the trilogy which was very exciting and riveting. Glad in one way I left it a bit before I read it, as I have not needed to wait for the start of the sequel trilogy.