Eldar Revenant Titan

Forge World’s excellent Eldar Revenant Titan on display at GamesDay 2004.

Forgeworld Eldar Revenant Titan
Forgeworld Eldar Revenant Titan

I am never sure whether I like this model or not. Don’t get me wrong the paint job (by George Dellapina if I remember correctly) is excellent. I do like the sculpting, the lines and the pose. I guess my problem is that for the Warhammer 40K universe it looks too light footed, too flimsy, too featherweight!

But then again I am not an Eldar player so what do I know?

More photographs of the Revenant Titan.

Fire Prism Grav Tank

A very nice Eldar Fire Prism Grav Tank from the ‘Eavy Metal team on display in the cabinets at Warhammer World.

Fire Prism Grav Tank

Unlike the lumpen and unlovely battle tanks of other races, the Fire Prism is graceful and swift. Despite its aesthetic qualities, the Fire Prism sacrifices none of the killing power associated with heavy armour, and its prism cannon is the bane of the heavy battle tanks of the crude races. The main armament of the Fire Prism is an extremely unusual device that uses a two-stage firing process. A medium-magnitude laser is discharged into a massive crystal prism that greatly amplifies the potency of the shot in a fraction of a second. This energy can be discharged in a focused beam capable of blasting through the thickest armour. Or, it can be dispersed to slay entire squads of enemy infantry. Most unusual of all, sophisticated tracking arrays allow this technological wonder to channel its firepower through the prismatic lens of another prism cannon, forming one all-powerful laser blast that can obliterate any target.

More photographs of Eldar.