The Merwyrm returns from the depths

In the Warhammer Community there was news about the re-release of the Merwyrm for Warhammer: The Old World.

The Merwyrms are distant, watery cousins of the dragons, among the most ancient beasts in the Old World. The Sea Lords sometimes summon and bind them to their will, letting them loose writhe in battle, battering and eviscerating the foe with their heavy bulk and sharp claws – a dark, watery foil to the nobility of the dragons above.

What’s interesting is the origins of the model.

This is a rare kit returning to the range for the first time in more than a decade – a beast once part of the Warhammer Forge range. 

This did make me wonder if there will be future releases for Old World from the short lived Warhammer Forge range.

One of the models I always liked, but never bought was the Marienberg Landship.

Marienberg Landship
Marienberg Landship

This was a lovely model. Did think we would never see it again, now I am wondering if we will see it again?

Tyranid Hierodule

The Hierodule is a type of Tyranid Bio-Titan, but stands smaller than its more massive cousin the Hierophant. This class of bioform is brought into action only against the most determined defences. Hierodules are immense creatures, towering over the battlefield and bristling with spines, claws, tendrils and apocalyptic bio-weapons.

The Barbed Hierodule (Uncus hierodule domitor), is a mutation of the Scythed Hierodule it, has just two scythe-like claws but now has two massive Bio-cannons. The acidic symbiote creature was gone, and the Hierodule’s frontal chitinous armour plates had grown and thickened for extra protection.

Barbed Hierodule

The Scythed Hierodule is armed with four huge razor-sharp claws, each capable of slicing clean through a battle tank, and heavily protected by chitin plates, in places up to 30 centimetres thick. A Hierodule is far larger than a Carnifex, a monstrous-killing machine even by Tyranid standards.

Scythed Hierodule

I have always liked these Forge World models, especially the paint scheme of the Scythed Hierodule. Sadly these models are no longer available, replaced with new plastic beasts, but not the same as the Hierodule.

Ork Big Trakk

This heavy Ork transport can also be used to carry Big Gunz into battle. A brutal-looking machine, the Big Trakk comes with twin-linked big shootas, a massive gas-turbine engine, and ramming tusks.

Ork Big Trakk

Originally this was to be a conversion of the Ork Trukk kit, however in the end it was decided to make it a full resin kit. 

Ork Big Trakk

Big Trakk’s are essentially an enlarged and modified version of the Trukk, a Turbine powered Ork tracked vehicle with twin Big Shootas, designed to move across sinkholes, rubble, or ash wastes without getting bogged down. They are also designed to be bigger, louder, and carry much more armament over the standard Trukk and are frequently used as gun carriers instead of troop transports.

I have a Big Trakk model on my workbench. Main issue I had with the kit, is that it comes with no instructions and it isn’t the easiest kit to put together.

I also have a gallery of photographs of the Big Trakk.


Arvus Lighter

One of the reveals at the World Championships Preview back in November was a plastic Arvus Lighter for The Horus Heresy. I ordered one from my FLGS.

I really like this model, though released for The Horus Heresy, I suspect it would make a great model for, not just Warhammer 40K, but also Necromunda.

The Arvus Lighter is a small, general purpose cargo shuttle that is widely used by the Imperium of Man for many tasks, both in space and on the surface of planets. The Arvus is commonly used by both Imperial Navy warships and Imperial merchant vessels, including Rogue Traders. The Arvus is just one of many types of small, void-capable shuttles used by the Imperium. The Arvus is piloted by a single pilot, and is not equipped with any weapon systems, in fact, the Arvus possesses only the most basic navigation equipment, external sensors, and proximity alarms. The Arvus has a powerful engine that allows it to carry heavy cargo to and from a planet’s surface

Forge World Chaos Brass Scorpion of Khorne

The Brass Scorpion is a Daemon manifesting as a machine, these formidable daemon engines of the Blood God Khorne wreak havoc upon the battlefield.

Forge World Chaos Brass Scorpion of Khorne
Forge World Chaos Brass Scorpion of Khorne

This is one of my all time favourite models from Forge World.

Brass Scorpion Miniatures Gallery

Killa Kans

Killa Kans are smallish, bipedal walkers composed of a rickety, lightly armoured “kan” perched atop a pair of piston driven legs, and armed with a selection of ranged and close-combat weapons.

Killa Kan
Killa Kan

Relatively primitive and weak by Ork standards, they are nonetheless fast and incredibly dangerous for their size, and one or two are more than a match for an Astra Militarum Sentinel walker.

Ork Stompa

When a mere dreadnought just isn’t stompy enough, a Mek feels the urge to build a stompa. As big as a Battle Fortress, a Stompa is a walking, shooting, roaring idol of Gork. It has a crew of several Orks aided by dozens of Grot riggers, runners and assistants. A Stompa usually mounts two or three enormous guns as well as some form of oversized claw or whirring blade for chewing up enemy tanks and titans in close combat.

I have an Ork Stompa on my workbench.

Armoured Vehicles of the Black Templars

These Armoured Vehicles of the Black Templars were in the display cabinets at Warhammer World.

The Black Templars stand as the most fervent Chapter within the Adeptus Astartes, a brotherhood of Space Marines renowned for their unwavering devotion to the Emperor. These warriors are not merely soldiers, but zealous crusaders, charging headlong into battle to confront their enemies directly and deliver the Emperor’s justice with the cold fury of righteous wrath.

Their fervor is legendary, a burning intensity that fuels their every action. In a testament to their unwavering resolve, the Black Templars chain their weapons – their bolters, their chainswords, their mighty power fists – to their wrists. This act of self-denial symbolizes their absolute commitment to the Emperor’s will. Their weapons are extensions of their bodies, tools of their faith, and they shall not be relinquished until victory is secured, or until they themselves are utterly vanquished.

The Black Templars are not merely warriors; they are living embodiments of the Emperor’s wrath, a storm of steel and fury unleashed upon the galaxy’s enemies. They are a terrifying sight to behold, their black armor gleaming ominously in the battlefield’s harsh light, their faces obscured by grim helms, and their eyes burning with the cold fire of unwavering faith.