Across Warhammer World were a range of Imperial Knights for Warhammer 40000 and The Horus Heresy.
Tag: imperial knight
Imperial Knights
Imperial Knights
Getting the Adeptus Titanicus Imperial Knights done
I hadn’t actually planned this purchase of some Imperial Knights for Adeptus Titanicus. As part of a prize draw I had to top up my purchases to get past £50, so rather than buy more paint, I looked to see what models I could buy. So when browsing what to get, I thought, why not get some tiny Titans, well the big titans for Adeptus Titanicus aren’t exactly cheap, so I decided that I would go for a box of knights. This box was just £17 (after discount) so I thought, yes, that takes me over £50 and I get some tiny knights as well.
Acting as scouts for the Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus, Imperial Knights support their titan legions with speed and agility granted to them by their small stature.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 3 Imperial Knights for use in games of Adeptus Titanicus. Each of these machines is armed with a reaper chainsword, with a thermal cannon, rapid fire battlecannon, avenger gatling cannon and 3 heavy stubbers available (1 of which can be optionally replaced with a meltagun.) These are highly detailed miniatures which, though at the scale used to play Adeptus Titanicus, are as impressive to behold as their larger brethren – thick armour plating, a curved carapace, exposed hydraulics and visible engine blocks/exhausts are hallmarks of the kit, with each also featuring its own tilting plate.
Within the box is a single sprue with the parts for the three Imperial Knights.
You also get three 40mm bases, transfers and instructions.
Having had these in the cupboard for a while and now having purchased the Precept Maniple Battleforce a few weeks back, decided I would construct and paint these.
They are quite fiddly and delicate models to make. I took a methodical approach to building them, in an attempt to get them all constructed.
I did find some of the parts didn’t fit together as easily as I thought they should, but once you worked out they fitted together it was a good fit.
Here are the finished models.
Next stage will be their bases and then undercoating.
Imperial Knights
Thinking about some Grey Knights Knights!
Back in the day at a Games Day someone had scratch built (out of cardboard) a Grey Knight Titan.
This was an impressive model and I really liked it.
I have for many (many) years being attempting to build a force of Inquisitorial forces and Grey Knights, but purposefully trying to to create Grey Knight versions of standard Space Marines, both infantry and vehicles.
I do like the concept of the Imperial Knights and looking over the range of models I did think that the Armiger Warglaive could be the basis of a Grey Knight version, complete with protective purity seals, additonal sheilds, even a new head, etc…
I really do need to though paint stuff, rather than buy stuff, so for the moment I am (just) thinking about this project, rather than doing anything concrete about it. However watch this space!
Adeptus Titanicus Imperial Knights
I hadn’t actually planned this purchase of some Imperial Knights for Adeptus Titanicus. As part of a prize draw I had to top up my purchases to get past £50, so rather than buy more paint, I looked to see what models I could buy.
I have had the Adeptus Titanicus rules for a while now but I’ve not actually got any models to have a game with! I have been meaning to get some Titans, but apart from really wanting to wait for the Ork Gargants (which I guess will never appear) it was more of a yearning to get some. I knew how much I had to paint of other stuff, so purchasing more models to sit on the shelf for a years wasn’t in my mind a good plan. However having bought, built and painted a fair few Aeronautica Imperialis planes rather more quickly than I would normally take I have been thinking about getting some tiny Titans.
So when browsing what to get, I thought, why not get some tiny Titans, well the big titans for Adeptus Titanicus aren’t exactly cheap, so I decided that I would go for a box of knights. This box was just £17 (after discount) so I thought, yes, that takes me over £50 and I get some tiny knights as well.
Acting as scouts for the Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus, Imperial Knights support their titan legions with speed and agility granted to them by their small stature.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 3 Imperial Knights for use in games of Adeptus Titanicus. Each of these machines is armed with a reaper chainsword, with a thermal cannon, rapid fire battlecannon, avenger gatling cannon and 3 heavy stubbers available (1 of which can be optionally replaced with a meltagun.) These are highly detailed miniatures which, though at the scale used to play Adeptus Titanicus, are as impressive to behold as their larger brethren – thick armour plating, a curved carapace, exposed hydraulics and visible engine blocks/exhausts are hallmarks of the kit, with each also featuring its own tilting plate.
Within the box is a single sprue with the parts for the three Imperial Knights.
You also get three 40mm bases, transfers and instructions.
What I didn’t realise was that this particular boxed set is now out of print. You can still get the knights, but they come now with a sprue of extra weapons.
I am quite looking forward to building and painting these models.
Imperial Knights at Warhammer World
Designed to smash apart enemies at close range, very few enemies can withstand the initial assault of the Imperial Knight Gallant. The ground shakes as the Knight Gallant stomps forward, closing in on their prey – with deceptive speed this hulking robotic form is within range, and unleashes the fury of both reaper chainsword and thunderstrike gauntlet. A Knight Gallant will slam into enemy lines like a tidal wave, and come out of the other side unscathed.
An Imperial Knight Gallant.
An Imperial Knight Crusader at Warhammer World in a striking dark blue scheme.
Carrying more firepower than a tank squadron, the Imperial Knight Crusader strides into battle with the confidence two main guns will give you. Capable of smashing holes in even the hardiest defence line, the Knight Crusader offers support to its close-range brethren, standing further back and unleashing scathing torrents of firepower to obliterate threats and terrify the enemy.
Imperial Knights
Imperial Knight Gallant
An Imperial Knight Gallant on display at Warhammer World.

Designed to smash apart enemies at close range, very few enemies can withstand the initial assault of the Imperial Knight Gallant. The ground shakes as the Knight Gallant stomps forward, closing in on their prey – with deceptive speed this hulking robotic form is within range, and unleashes the fury of both reaper chainsword and thunderstrike gauntlet. A Knight Gallant will slam into enemy lines like a tidal wave, and come out of the other side unscathed.