Thinking about some Grey Knights Knights!

Back in the day at a Games Day someone had scratch built (out of cardboard) a Grey Knight Titan.

Grey Knights Titan

This was an impressive model and I really liked it.

I have for many (many) years being attempting to build a force of Inquisitorial forces and Grey Knights, but purposefully trying to to create Grey Knight versions of standard Space Marines, both infantry and vehicles.

I do like the concept of the Imperial Knights and looking over the range of models I did think that the Armiger Warglaive could be the basis of a Grey Knight version, complete with protective purity seals, additonal sheilds, even a new head, etc…

Armiger Warglaive

I really do need to though paint stuff, rather than buy stuff, so for the moment I am (just) thinking about this project, rather than doing anything concrete about it. However watch this space!

Armiger Warglaives

These nimble Armiger Warglaives were on display at Warhammer World.

Armiger Warglaives

Nimble and responsive, Armiger Warglaives lope towards the enemy with purposeful strides. On one arm they wield fearsome reaper chain-cleavers, their adamantium teeth whirring and actuator motors roaring. On the other they bear menacing thermal spears, bulky melta weapons that are essentially stripped down equivalents of a Knight Errant’s thermal cannon. A single shot from such a weapon can vaporise even the most heavily protected combatant, melt through the wall of a bunker or reduce a battle tank to a molten wreck. Their pilots are well-suited to the close quarters aggression of the Warglaive, and stride into battle alongside their masters filled with dogged determination to do their betters proud.