Today saw the release of Adeptus Titanicus from Games Workshop. Though I did not play the original Adeptus Titanicus fgame back in 1988, I did buy some of the miniatures and bought more when Space Marine was released in 1989. I also didn’t buy Titan Legions which came out in 1994. I really did get into Epic though in 1997 with the release of Epic 40000.
Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy has probably been for me the most anticipated game from Games Workshop for some time. I don’t think I have been this interested or excited about a release for years.
Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy is a tabletop game of devastating combat between awe-inspiring machines, set during the civil war that tore the galaxy apart. 2 players take control of a variety of Titans – colossal, bipedal war engines covered in thick armour and weapons which can level a city in a single salvo. It is a strategic challenge in which you pit your skill and cunning against your opponent in a battle to the death; a test of tactical skill demanding the management of the resources at your disposal, determining the optimal reactions to the evolving state of the battlefield.
I decided to buy the Rules Set for £35 which includes loads of stuff, but no Titans.
There is inside the box
- a 96 page rulebook
- 6 Titan Command Terminals: 2 Warlord Titan, 2 Reaver Titan, and 2 Warhound Titan Command Terminals, large card surfaces used to track the status of your Titans during games;
- 2 Questoris Knight Command Terminals;
- 28 Titan Weapon cards : these double-sided cards are placed on the Titan Command Terminals in-game to keep track of the weaponry you’ve deployed, with one side showing the weapon characteristics, and the reverse showing that it is disabled;
- 24 Mission and Stratagem cards;
- Battlefield Assets are a frame of 6 plastic miniatures, used to represent certain Stratagems – this set includes 1 Macro Cannon Battery, 1 Apocalypse Missile Strongpoint, 1 Command Bastion, 1 Plasma Generator, 1 Communications Relay and 1 Void Shield Relay.
- Also included are markers for initiative, a wrecked Titan head which can be used as an objective marker, 50 status markers for use with Command Terminals, 6 designation markers for the Titans on the battlefield and 3 arc templates used to determine weapon firing arcs;
- 2 reference sheets;
- 21 Adeptus Titanicus dice;
- 2 clear blast markers and a flame template.
That’s quite a box full of stuff.
The new plastic Warlord Titan, which is modelled after the Forge World model is amazing. However I didn’t buy one (yet).
I also like the new buildings, the two Civitas Imperialis sets look very appealing.
Designed for use in games of Adeptus Titanicus, this is a set of modular, plastic buildings which can be configured and stacked in a variety of configurations – multiple small buildings, several medium structures or a tower large enough to provide cover for a Warlord Titan can be assembled!
They look as if they will fit in with the existing Epic buildings, even though this game is at a different scale.
So what of the future? Well, we know from the rules there will be a Reaver Titan and the smaller Warhound Titan. We saw in White Dwarf there the Reaver Titan.
The new Reaver Titan has a fist #AdeptusTitanicus #epic #40k
— Wargaming Dave (@WargamingDave) August 18, 2018
Today GW announced the Warhound Titan and released pictures.
I hope that we see more Imperial releases and that there may even be an Ork Gargant in the future.
I do wonder if they will do a “Space Marine” and release smaller models of Space Marines and Land Raiders at some point in the future.
Well must get around to opening that box and looking at the rules.
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