Plaguereaper of Nurgle

This conversion of a Baneblade into a Plaguereaper was done for Apocalypse from 2007. It took the then new Imperial Guard Baneblade super heavy tank and was converted not just into a Chaos Baneblade, but a Plaguereaper of Nurgle.

Plaguereaper of Nurgle

A Plaguereaper of Nurgle, also known as a Chaos Plaguereaper or more simply as a Plaguereaper, is a Chaos-corrupted variant of the Baneblade super-heavy main battle tank used by the Imperium of Mankind’s Imperial Guard.

Plaguereaper of Nurgle

The Plaguereaper is used by the forces of Chaos affiliated with Nurgle, the Chaos God of plague, decay and corruption. The Plaguereaper has been distorted beyond all recognition by the “gifts” bestowed upon it by Nurgle, and has been transformed into a gurgling, fortress surrounded by a cloud of pestilence and disease.

The vehicle features large vats of virulent slime distilled from rotting, plague-ridden corpses mounted on its sides. These large vats are used to feed the tank’s main weapon, a massive Pus Cannon. The weapon is connected to the corpse vats via large bulging pipes which fill the weapon will a horrendous concoction of disgusting toxic and corrosive slime.

A living chaos tank, still a great conversion.

More photographs of the Plaguereaper of Nurgle.

Nurgle fortress at Warhammer World

This incredible Nurgle fortress was on display at Warhammer World.

It includes this Great Unclean One. They are the Greater Daemons of Nurgle. In form they are massive and bloated with disease and decay, and their necrotic and boil-covered flesh is rent, where their organs spill out, hanging across their huge girth.

Great Unclean Ones can endure tremendous amounts of damage before being felled. Many opponents cannot stomach to look at a Great Unclean One, let alone fight one.

Blight Drones of Nurgle

A new(ish) miniature on display at the Forge World Open Day last April were these appropriately disgusting Blight Drones of Nurgle.

A Daemon manifesting as a machine, these formidable daemon engines of the Plague God poison and corrupt the battlefield.

Though not a Chaos player I do think Forge World, well Daren Parrwood, has designed a wonderful model here. Very unique and clever.

See all my photographs from the Forge World Open Day 2009 in this gallery.

Plaguereaper of Nurgle

Plaguereaper of Nurgle on display at GamesDay 2007.

 Converting a Plaguereaper requires a fairly high degree of modelling skill (and a particularly sinister mind, judging by our model shown here). These bastions of pestilence pour forth their corrosive filth onto the enemy, drowning the foe in flesh and armour-eating pus and muck. In game terms, the Plaguereaper shares much in common with a Baneblade, exchanging the main gun for the vile pus cannon. This Strength 7, AP 3 template weapon can dig out almost any defender from any position, the torrent of filth murdering anything shy of a Terminator. The mental image of a Plaguereaper plying its trade on the frontlines is almost as unpleasant as the battlefield reality.

Forge World Newsletter #210

We have a new Forge World Newsletter interesting to hear that there will be new Ork models at the Forge World open day.

Hello There

The events season for 2009 is almost upon us, and this Newsletter we have some important information about our Open Day for you and one new release in the shape of a bloated Daemon Prince of Nurgle and his Herald.

Alan Bligh

Forge World Open Day 2009

Forge World will be holding it`s annual Open Day at Warhammer World in Nottingham on Sunday the 5th of April. Admission to this event as usual is free on the door. Always a popular day out, we will have our sales stand with a good selection of our stock and our full studio team will be on hand to show off sneak peeks of what we have in store for the future, and be available to answer (nearly) all of your questions.

We will also be previewing Imperial Armour Volume Seven – The Siege of Vraks Part 3, showing off some previously unseen models for Orks and Chaos and putting on some exciting participation games. It will be also your first chance to get your hands on this year’s new show only model, but as to just what that new model will be, we`ll have to keep you in suspense about for now! There`ll be a painting competition for you to bring your Forge World models to, where a trophy will be awarded to the best in show, and skill and interest, rather than size, will win the day. (More details on this will be available on the website shortly). We`ll also be having our usual charity raffle to win a titan, and this year it`ll be a big one!

If you are planning to attend the Open Day, you can also place a reservation order with us to pick up and pay for at the show, either by giving us a call on 0115 916 8177 or by sending us an email with details of your name and what you are after to Your reservation must reach us by the 27th of March.

Nurgle Daemon Prince and Herald

Our new release for this Newsletter is a Daemon Prince and Daemonic Herald of Nurgle, available to pre-order now for release the week commencing the 23rd of March. Designed by Mark Bedford these two models which are sold together can be viewed in more detail Here.

This bloated mound of putrescent flesh represents a particular horror whose history and rules will be presented in our forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume Seven: The Siege of Vraks Part 3, but can also be used to represent your own Daemon princes, Greater Daemons or offer an alternative Great Unclean One, (see Codex Chaos Space Marines and Codex Daemons). The Daemonic Herald of Nurgle, a distorted, slug-like figure with rusted augmetics can also easily be used in a variety of roles such as a Chaos Sorcerer or Nurgle spawn.

Salute 2009

Our first event of the New Year Forge World will be attending the Salute games show at the London Excel Centre on Saturday 28th March, where we will have a selection of our models available to buy. You can also place a reservation order to pick up and pay for on the day, either by giving us a ring or sending us an email to before Friday the 13th of March.

Forge World Designers Wanted

The Forge World Design Studio is looking for new Model Designers. Both freelance and full time in-house positions are available. Successful candidates will need to have an enthusiasm for and knowledge of the Games Workshop hobby and the worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000. If you are a Model Designer who can display the skills to produce master models of the highest standard in a commercial environment, we would like you to contact us. But remember, we are looking for the very best of the best.

The successful candidates will be required to either work in Nottingham, UK or be prepared to travel to the Games Workshop Headquarters on a regular basis.

If you feel you have the necessary skills and talent to produce models to the same quality as the model shown on our webstore, send a full CV and good quality photographs of your recent work to: Anne Clarke at Games Workshop, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2WS