Harlequins are the Eldar followers of Cegorach, the Laughing God. They are the performers and entertainers of the Eldar, the self-appointed protectors of the Eldar’s pre-Fall history, which they perform in extremely elaborate plays involving not only elaborate costumes, scenery, acrobatics, and a troupe of dedicated actors, but further elaboration of the drama through psykana and psychedelic drugs.
This is a Harlequins Starweaver. I think one of the reasons I would not paint up a Harlequin army is the necessity to paint large amounts of checked areas.

The more heavily armed Voidweaver is shown here.

This is a Skyweaver.

I’ve always liked the look of the Eldar Harlequins, however I know I don’t have the skills to create such elaborate paint jobs, so I look from afar at these miniatures.