Dad’s Army

Dad’s Army defending Lyddle End from the invading German forces, circa 1940…

Many years ago I bought a bundle of Dad’s Army and German forces in 15mm for playing Operation Sealion games. I painted some, but most have spent a lot of time unprimed and unpainted.

Having recently read a few books recently which have rekindled my interest in Operation Sealion. These have included Collaborator by Murray Davies which is set in a nazi occupied Britain and tells the story of a British soldier working for the occupying forces as a translator who then gets involved in the resistance…

Real history books which have also inspired included Berlin The Downfall 1945 by Antony Beevor, the author of Stalingrad. and The Model Occupation: The Channel Islands Under German Rule, 1940-1945.

The Leader by Guy Walters though not an Operation Sealion alternative history, also provided inspiration.

This picture shows one of my Dad’s Army vehicles which I have repainted, It is set with some N Gauge scenery from the Lyddle End Hornby range.

Home Guard Standard Beaverette
Home Guard Standard Beaverette

The N Gauge models are out of scale, 1/148th compared to the 1/100th scale of 15mm World War Two. I also want to use the buildings with Warmaster figures as well.

Secret Army

Secret Army, just as good as I remembered…

Secret Army

Back in 1977, the BBC broadcast a series, called Secret Army about a group of Belgians who helped downed aircrew escape from occupied Europe. At the time I thought it was excellent and extremely well made.

Today I often think I won’t watch that old programme as the memory of it will be ruined by seeing it again. Having said that I borrowed the first season of Secret Army from my father-in-law who had purchased it on DVD.

I did wonder if it would be as good as I remembered and thinking nearly thirty years has passed since this was first on, and time can play tricks on you. I knew that it would be a combination of film and video (as was virtually any drama made in the 1970s) and that maybe the plots and acting would be a disappointment.

Boy was I wrong.

It was excellent and though I having only watched the first two episodes it was certainly as good as I remember (if not a little better). It was very powerful stuff and well made.

I have now seen a few more episodes and it certainly is gripping stuff and well made television which has stood the test of time.

Certainly recommended.

Operation Sealion

Interesting links on the proposed German invasion of England…

I have quite a few books on Sealion.

The overall conclusion of most historians (and what if experts) is that Sealion could never have succeeded… having said that the whole what if of Sealion makes for interesting games.

In the past I had quite a few games with Home Guard versus German paratroopers, great fun.

I once wrote an alternative Sealion, Otaire de Vigneur, the French invasion of England circa 1940. Though the french strategy of eclair was never taken seriously by British officers in the field.

If you consider the logistics of D-Day, the allies built two ports (Mulberry), the Germans would have had to capture an English port.


Second World War bunker on the West Somerset Railway…

I was quite lucky to catch a picture of this…

stuck the camera out of the window and snapped a shot as the train passed Dunster Castle.

This (I presume) Second World War bunker (or pillbox) was very likely built to defend the railway from German attack. From what I could see it was in pretty good condition.

Settling Accounts – Return Engagement – Finished

I have now finished Settling Accounts – Return Engagement which has just been published in the USA and available in the UK from Amazon.

It is a very good book and a great read. As per usual the book ends…. well that would be spoiling things so no comment!

It is a fascinating alternate history and shows how lucky the USA was in our world in avoiding war been fought on the continental United States with the horrors of Blitzkreig and blanket bombing.

There are quite a few gaming opportunities available for this alternate history.

Get Settling Accounts: Return Engagement from Amazon.

Settling Accounts – Return Engagement

I am about halfway through Settling Accounts – Return Engagement, which has just been published in the USA and available in the UK from Amazon.

I am really enjoying it and Turtledove does a very good alternate World War Two.

You can purchase the UK edition in October (which has a much better cover in my opinion).

I am a bit of a fan of Turtledove, but didn’t enjoy American Empire as much as previous books until I read the final part.

Weapons of Choice – first part of the Axis of Time Trilogy…

I am currently reading and enjoying John Birmingham’s Weapons of Choice, the first part of the Axis of Time Trilogy.

It is not high brow science fiction and anyone who has seen the film the Final Countdown will be having deja vue.

There are a few references to Harry Turtledove’s World War series which aren’t really needed and of course there are a lot of similarities between the two books.

Having said that it is a fun read and I will be looking forward to the next two books.

You can get the book in the UK from Amazon.

American Empire – Harry Turtledove

Just finished the third book in the trilogy…

I have just finished reading The Victorious Opposition and I am about to purchase the next in the series, Return Engagement, which has just been published in the USA and available in the UK from Amazon.

You can purchase the UK edition in October (which has a much better cover in my opinion).

I am a bit of a fan of Turtledove, but didn’t enjoy American Empire as much as previous books until I read the final part of the trilogy which was very exciting and riveting. Glad in one way I left it a bit before I read it, as I have not needed to wait for the start of the sequel trilogy.