Doctor Who: Spore

As part of the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, there are going to be eleven short novels from famous authors covering (as you might have guessed) all eleven Doctors.

Doctor Who: Spore

The eighth books features the Eighth Doctor, who as most people know only appeared in a single “episode” (okay TV movie).

In a small town in the Nevada desert, an alien pathogen has reduced the entire population to a seething mass of black slime. When the Eighth Doctor arrives, he realises this latest threat to humanity is horrifyingly familiar – it is a virus which almost annihilated his entire race, the Time Lords…

Author Alex Scarrow puts his own unique spin on the Doctor’s amazing adventures through time and space.

This sounds like an interesting story and it will be curious to see how Alex Scarrow has developed a character that for most people will only have been seen that Doctor in the TV movie. There have been other stories involving the Eighth Doctor in print and on audio, and I have enjoyed the couple I have read and heard of those. As a result I am looking forward to reading this book.

Get Spore at Amazon.

I did quite enjoy the Seventh Doctor book which included Ace and the Daleks, I did feel that as a story it needed more depth and detail than this format allowed it, but I liked the aspect of a parallel universe, which has been covered a fair few times in Doctor Who.

Basing the Cybermen

These are the Harlequin Miniatures Cybermen from the 1990s. They are the classic era style Cybermen who fought the 4th Doctor onwards. Having finished painting them, the next stage was doing the bases.

I started with a basecoat of Citadel Base: Castellan Green.

I then used some railway flock, combined with a tiny amount of Woodland Scenics foliage.

I finished the bases off with some Citadel Mordheim Turf.

Here are the three Cybermen.

I think I would like some more, as I am not sure if three are enough.

So the next Doctor is…

Peter Capaldi is Doctor Who

Well the secret is a secret no more, the twelfth Doctor will be played by 55 year old Peter Capaldi, who is quite well known as an actor.

He replaces Matt Smith, who at 26 was one of the youngest actors to play Doctor Who, and Peter is the same age that William Hartnell was when he started to play the role of the Doctor. Peter will replace Matt in the Christmas special, and there is no news if Jenna Coleman will continue as the Doctor’s companion.

It will be interesting to see how an older actor will interpret the role.

The 3rd Doctor

Back in the 1990s Harlequin Miniatures produced a licensed range of 28mm metal miniatures and one of the blisters I got was of the third Doctor. After affixing him to his base, I gave the model a white undercoat using Citadel Skull White Spray. I then added some green stuff to his base to fill the gaps. I also painted his face and hands using Citadel Elf Flesh.

I now need to check some source material before I start painting the velvet jacket.

Doctor Who Radio Times 1963

In reality the first episode of Doctor Who never made it to the cover of the Radio Times (they actually featured a radio programme, somehow I can’t seeing them do that too often today).

However if they had featured Doctor Who on the cover of the Radio Times to promote this new series it would, according to the Radio Times, probably looked like this.

Doctor Who Radio Times 1963

Painting the Brig

Here is another of the metal miniatures from Harlequin Miniatures. This is Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of UNIT. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart was one of the founders of UNIT and commander of its UK operations.

I added some green stuff to his base to fill the gaps. I also painted the flesh using Citadel Elf Flesh.

I am not sure to paint him the light beige colour seen in some UNIT stories, or the darker British Army Green as seen in this photograph of the Brig.

I think I prefer the dark green, so will go with that.

Nearly there with the Cybermen

These are the Harlequin Miniatures Cybermen from the 1990s. They are the classic era style Cybermen who fought the 4th Doctor onwards. After giving them a white undercoat, I painted a basecoat of Citadel BoltGun Metal. The next stage was to give them a wash. I then gave the models a wash of Citadel Shade: Nuln Oil. This added shadow and depth to the model.



I am not sure if I have enough Cybermen, as I only have three models.




The  next stage will be the bases, and I will use the same method I have used with my other Doctor Who miniatures.

Doctor Who: The Ripple Effect

As part of the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, there are going to be eleven short novels from famous authors covering (as you might have guessed) all eleven Doctors.

Doctor Who: The Ripple Effect

The seventh book features the Seventh Doctor, along with Ace and the Daleks!

When the TARDIS lands on Skaro, the Seventh Doctor and Ace are shocked to discover the planet has become the universal centre of learning, populated by a race of peace-loving Daleks. Ever suspicious of his archenemies’ motives, the Doctor learns of a threat that could literally tear the universe apart…

It certainly sounds like an interesting story and I am looking forward to reading it.

Get The Ripple Effect at Amazon.

Get the Ripple Effect at Apple Books.

I was less impressed with the Sixth Doctor story and didn’t enjoy that short novel compared to others in the series. This one with the Seventh Doctor and Ace I have quite high expectations about.

Daleks to Return in the 50th Anniversary Special

As is quite fitting the Daleks will be in the 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who, with the 10th and 11th Doctors, alongside the mysterious John Hurt Doctor.

The Daleks are the second monster to be announced for the 50th and will join the shape shifting Zygons, which have only appeared in the show once before in 1975. The Daleks were one of the first monsters to terrify audiences in 1963, 50 years ago, cementing their place in British popular culture.

Steven Moffat, lead writer and executive producer, said:

“The Doctor once said that you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies, so it’s fitting that for this very special episode, he should be facing the greatest enemies of all.”

I am pleased to see that they have abandoned the plastic Disco Daleks and have returned to the classic style, well updated classic style.

Doctor Who: Something Borrowed

As part of the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, there are going to be eleven short novels from famous authors covering (as you might have guessed) all eleven Doctors.

Something Borrowed

The sixth book is Something Borrowed and features sixth Doctor and Peri.

 A wedding on the planet Koturia turns out to be a far more dangerous proposition than the Sixth Doctor and Peri ever expected. It marks the return of a formidable old foe whose genius matches the Doctor’s. Can the Doctor outwit this villain, save Peri and stop the wedding in time?

Get Something Borrowed at Amazon.

Get Something Borrowed at Apple Books.

Similar to my thoughts about the fifth Doctor, I didn’t watch much of the sixth, so this will be an interesting read.