As part of the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, there are going to be eleven short novels from famous authors covering (as you might have guessed) all eleven Doctors.
The eighth books features the Eighth Doctor, who as most people know only appeared in a single “episode” (okay TV movie).
In a small town in the Nevada desert, an alien pathogen has reduced the entire population to a seething mass of black slime. When the Eighth Doctor arrives, he realises this latest threat to humanity is horrifyingly familiar – it is a virus which almost annihilated his entire race, the Time Lords…
Author Alex Scarrow puts his own unique spin on the Doctor’s amazing adventures through time and space.
This sounds like an interesting story and it will be curious to see how Alex Scarrow has developed a character that for most people will only have been seen that Doctor in the TV movie. There have been other stories involving the Eighth Doctor in print and on audio, and I have enjoyed the couple I have read and heard of those. As a result I am looking forward to reading this book.
I did quite enjoy the Seventh Doctor book which included Ace and the Daleks, I did feel that as a story it needed more depth and detail than this format allowed it, but I liked the aspect of a parallel universe, which has been covered a fair few times in Doctor Who.