I have had the Manufactorum Imperialis box on my wishlist for a while now. So was pleased to receive the box recently as a present.
The Manufactorum Imperialis box allows you build terrain and scenery for your Adeptus Titanicus battle. I used one large and one small sprue in the first instance to construct the models. I then gave the models an undercoat and then a basecoat.
The next stage was to wash the models using a Shade. For the crane I used Citadel Seraphim Sepia Shade.
For the containers and other silos, I also used Citadel Seraphim Sepia Shade.
For these models I used Citadel Nuln Oil Shade and Citadel Seraphim Sepia Shade.
For these models I used Citadel Nuln Oil Shade.