Tyranid Hierodule

The Hierodule is a type of Tyranid Bio-Titan, but stands smaller than its more massive cousin the Hierophant. This class of bioform is brought into action only against the most determined defences. Hierodules are immense creatures, towering over the battlefield and bristling with spines, claws, tendrils and apocalyptic bio-weapons.

The Barbed Hierodule (Uncus hierodule domitor), is a mutation of the Scythed Hierodule it, has just two scythe-like claws but now has two massive Bio-cannons. The acidic symbiote creature was gone, and the Hierodule’s frontal chitinous armour plates had grown and thickened for extra protection.

Barbed Hierodule

The Scythed Hierodule is armed with four huge razor-sharp claws, each capable of slicing clean through a battle tank, and heavily protected by chitin plates, in places up to 30 centimetres thick. A Hierodule is far larger than a Carnifex, a monstrous-killing machine even by Tyranid standards.

Scythed Hierodule

I have always liked these Forge World models, especially the paint scheme of the Scythed Hierodule. Sadly these models are no longer available, replaced with new plastic beasts, but not the same as the Hierodule.

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