Very tempted…

One of the pre-orders next week for The Old World is for Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company.

A true classic returns to the Old World via Made to Order: Prince Ulther’s legendary Dragon Company, first cast as miniatures in 1985! Tasked by his father with freeing their ancestral home from the grobi scum that overran it 4,000 years ago, Ulther took a dragon-carved post from his father’s bed for his banner, and formed the Dragon Company to meet his familial obligations.

There are two packs available, a command pack, and a trooper pack.

The command pack includes Prince Ulther, Borri Forkbeard, a musician, and a standard bearer.

The trooper pack has five miniatures.

I really like these miniatures, and I am sorely tempted to order them next week. They are metal castings and I might forgive the plastic shields.

They were originally released back in 1985 as a Regiment of Renown.

This time though they will come on 25mm square bases rather than 20mm square bases they had in 1985.