This is a pure speculation piece, I have no insider knowledge on what to expect from Forge World at GamesDay 2009 on the 27th September, except from what I have been told at previous events (so no real hard information there then) and from the latest Forge World Newsletter, which said:
Forge World`s next event is also by far the largest in our calendar; Games Day UK, and we are already in feverish preparation for the big day itself. As ever we will have our whole design team on hand to answer your questions and preview what we have in store for the future, our massive sales stand with a whole articulated lorry`s worth of stock, display boards, special games and more. We have a Games Day UK page on our website which we`ll be updating with new information as we get closer to the event, but rest assured we will have some exciting major new releases for you on the day. More details will be made available in our special Games Day preview newsletters over the next month.
At the time of writing, the Games Day UK page from Forge World doesn’t have any details about what will be available… so what are my thoughts, in no particular order.
Modelling Masterclass Volume II – I talked to the Forge World guys at their Open Day and some details about Volume II were mentioned, it would for example include the wonderful Chaos Brass Scorpion. That was back in April, so I am guessing that it will be ready forthe UK GamesDay.
Chaos Reaver Titan – we saw this at GamesDay Germany (site in German) and I fully expect to see a painted version at GamesDay UK 2009 and more than likely we will also see it on sale (in limited numbers). This I am guessing will be the big Forge World model at GamesDay, or will it…
More Ork vehicles – we have just had a wonderful series of Ork vehicles, guns and models released from Forge World, a month away from GamesDay, these would have been a perfect release for the big GamesDay event, but they were released early… So there is an opportunity for some more Ork Vehicles, possibly .
Also at the Forge World Open Day were various sketches of new Ork concepts, one of which looks interesting with a Battlewagon with a huge rocket.
We have seen some new Ork stuff, I am sure there is room for more.
We have already seen the Chaos Reaver Titan at a GamesDay, if it was really a special deal, I am guessing it would have been shown first at the UK show and not in Germany (but then again maybe Forge World doesn’t worry about such things, but that’s not the impression I get when taking photographs of work in progress, if they didn’t care, they would let us all snap away…).
So my BIG guess for GamesDay UK 2009 is that we will see a Forge World Ork Gargant.
It makes sense in many ways (and no sense in others). It is the premier Games Workshop event, so Forge World like to do something special.
Games Workshop have released the Stompa, and Forge World like to outdo GW models with even bigger stuff.
With the forthcoming Imperial Armour book on Orks, it would be the perfect opportunity to release some new BIG Ork models. They’ve released the small stuff already so it wouldn’t get lost or overshadowed by a HUGE Gargant. Likewise the Chaos Reaver has already been seen, so this will be new (and not very shiny).
As I said this is pure speculation, guesswork, I have no hard facts whatsoever, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see an Ork Gargant at GamesDay 2009.