Painting the decks of my Prussian Blucher Class Dreadnought for the Dystopian Wars reminded me why I never liked making Airfix ship models as a kid and why I don’t usually play naval wargames in the first place! Painting ships is really fiddly, especially the decks!
I painted the decks with Vallejo Tan Yellow (912).
The next stage was to give the decks a wash of Citadel Shade: Agrax Earthshade.
I did wonder if I ought to add any metallic, as in copper or bronze parts to the model. The stats for the model include the Tesla Coils and there is the prow of the ship too. Or do I keep it more traditional naval, in both colour and appearance? If you look at the marketing picture for the model, it is quite “normal” in appearance with minimal shiny bits!
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