This real TARDIS was seen on the streets of Glasgow.
I also saw a red version, however no Daleks, Cybermen or Autons to be seen…. or did that shop dummy just look at me!
warhammer, wh40k, flames of war, bolt action, aeronautica imperialis, star wars, models, news, views and stuff
I got round to sticking the wings on my Terradon which is the basis for a Feral Ork Heavy Bomber for Epic Armageddon.
However I initially stuck them on the wrong way round and it looked weird, so before the glue had a chance to dry I got them in the right way.
This model is not the most recent version, it is the one before. It is not a perfect casting with a quite a few gaps which will need filling with green stuff. It also doesn’t fit the flying base, so more filling there as well.
I still need to think about the howdah and the bombs.
Games Workshop have released a picture of their up and coming new Wood Elves.
The Glade Guard look really good and much much better than the previous incarnation of Wood Elves. You can definitely see the influence of the Lord of the Rings on these miniatures and they certainly avoid the slightly comical look of the older range.
I am tempted to get a few of these.
Last night saw the third episode of the new Doctor Who, The Unquiet Dead, which I recorded and watched tonight.
Excellent stuff with walking dead, gaseous aliens and Charles Dickens played by the excellent Simon Callow.
Set in Cardiff in 1869 it was a really really good episode, excellent acting, great special effects.
I thought the plot was good and rather funny as well, but at times quite scary.
Next week’s episode looks good as well.
My only thought at the moment is I really don’t like the inside of the Tardis in particular the central console, what is with the bicycle pump?
I wanted to use a desert theme for my new Ork armies, which would mean that all the vehicles would be painted in different shades of dark orange and brown but still have an element of consistency amongst the units in the army. Having said that I will also be painting some in shades of green as well, though the brown wash will help blend them in.
Having painted and drybrushed the metal parts of the Gunwagons, the next stage was to paint the base coat. With the two models shown one was painted Desert Yellow and the other Bestial Brown..
The next stage was to give them a wash of Chestnut Ink, Scorched Brown and water.
This was then followed by a drybrush of the basecoat to tone down the wash and highlight the detail.
Here are some more pictures of the finished Gunwagons so far.
The bases were Warmaster bases and were covered in GW’s sand mix, before painting Bestial Brown and drybrushing with Bleached Bone.
You’ll be glad to know it’s time for a new Forge World Newsletter. Number 117 to be precise. This issue we have some new models to show and some information on show attendance. For those of you going to Games Day LA this weekend, be sure to visit the Forge World stand. Oh, you might want to show Ewen this Newsletter, before asking him about anything on it, he doesn’t know we’re sending it!
Dean Winson
Forge World
Thundering heavily across the desert come’s a Tallarn Roughrider mounted on his Mukaali Xenos steed. These figures are not yet available but we thought we’d show you what we have instore. People have been asking what these look like for a while and we’ve deliberately not described them, after all, there are elements of elephant and camel amongst other things and however we chose to describe it the actual thing would not match the image in peoples minds. Now you need wonder no more. They’ll be out soon.
Space Marine Raptors Chapter Doors
The latest offering in our collection of Chapter specific doors begins with two sets for the Raptors Chapter. Many of you will know of the Raptors Chapter, they are a successor to the Raven Guard and are well known for their jungle warfare, but as with all Marine Chapters, they deploy whenever and wherever they are required (including on the planet Taros in our new book, but you’ll have to wait for that!). To aid their rapid deployment they make use of the ubiquitous Rhino and Land Raider transports. With these stunning new doors your transports can proudly proclaim their allegiance. Personally, I think these are some of the best doors so far. Simon Egan’s skill improves every time he makes a new model and the sculpting on these doors is fantastic. It’s already been pointed out to me that these would work well for many other Marine Chapters including possibly the Gryphon types.
Crux Terminatus Land Raider Doors
Continuing with doors, We have a set of Land Raider doors which can be used by any Marine Chapter in the Imperium. Also by Simon Egan, these Land Raider doors depict the badge of honour for elite Space Marines, the Crux Terminatus. These doors are perfect for identifying your Terminators Land Raider or perhaps your command squad, proudly displaying their honour to their enemies
Forge World Show Attendance
Games Day LA is of course this weekend. Forge World will be there with a large stand so any one who’s going, pop over and take a look. The Chaos Dragon and Elysians will be on display so it’s a good chance to see them in the “resin”. Two weeks time sees us at both Games Day Paris in France and Salute 05 in London. We are still taking reservations for both of these events so if you’d like something in particular, send us an email or give us a call letting us know what you’d like and we’ll have the models put aside for you on the day.
Painted Heirophant
In our ongoing efforts to get painted pictures of all our models up on the website, we have just uploaded pictures of our painted Tyranid Heirophant Bio-Titan. This is a truly stunning paint job and the painter Fil Dunn has added the scenic base upon which it rests, giving it a true sense of scale.
The Space Marine Doors Are Available To Pre-Order Right Now!
The three new sets of Space Marine Doors will be released and shipped out from 3rd May. We always ship out pre-orders in the same order that we receive them. What does this mean? If you pre-order early, you are one of the first people to get them, and of course we do not charge your card until we are just about to ship your order to you. The Doors are available to pre-order right now over the phone and at our online store.
Forge World
Games Workshop
All excellent stuff as usual and I quite like the new Rough Rider mount, very Star Wars.
Here are some photographs of my Epic Forgeworld Ork Gunwagons.
After undercoating them white I undercoated the underneath black.
I then finished the metal parts in black.
These were then drybrushed with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal.
These are very nice models even if the exhausts break off really easily.
This is Warmaster Nice’s (from the forums) fantastic Epic scale Feral Ork Airship.
Based on the Forgeworld Warmaster Dwarf Airship he has done a fantastic conversion and paintjob.
EDIT: Though it looks like it was converted from a Forgeworld Airship, according to Warmaster Nice though inspired by the said airship was in fact scratch-built, which is amazing, he has done a fantastic modelling and paintjob.