Forgeworld Newsletter #141


In today’s issue of the Forge World Newsletter we have a few new Elysian Drop Troop releases and some really neat upgrades for Black Templars Space Marines to show you too. We are pulling together the last few loose ends for Games Day Atlanta which is only a few weeks away, as well as starting work on Games Day France and Games Day Los Angeles a few weeks later.

Elysian Hardened Veterans

A few weeks ago we released a Cadian veteran upgrade pack with some really neat new shotguns. This new pack of Elysian Hardened Veterans also have combat shotguns that I think are equally cool! This complete multi-part resin five-man unit comes with four large calibre pump-action shotguns that feature a sliding collapsible stock: Perfect for close quarter battles when bulky weapons can quickly become a liability. Backing the rest of the unit up with some heavier firepower is the fifth member of the team who is equipped with a bipod mounted Meltagun. And of course this new unit is available with or without Grav Chutes; the choice is up to you.

Elysian Hardened Veterans

Elysian Scanner & Lascutters

The military issue Lascutter is used for cutting through bulkheads and sealed doorways, allowing Imperial troops to get into areas which might not be otherwise easily accessible and outmanoeuvre their enemy. It can also be used to devastating effect in close combat against immobile vehicles and bunkers. All this makes the Lascutter perfect for Elysian Drop Troop forces which rely on speed and manoeuvrability to bring their limited firepower to bear on their foes. The Elysians can also now be equipped with the Accatran pattern Long-Range Ground Scanner. These are larger and more powerful versions of the hand-held scanners used by some Imperial Guard officers. The Accatran Scanner can provide a wide array of useful data on enemy movements and locations to the Elysian commander which can then be quickly communicated to the rest of the force via the vox-network. Full rules for using Lascutters and the Long Range Ground Scanner will be available fairly soon in our next big book, Imperial Armour Volume 4 – The Anphelion Project. All four Elysians in the pack are supplied with ‘normal’ helmeted heads, but we also include four of the new style heads with respirators too. Both of the heads for the scanner crewman are a little bit different to the rest of the unit as they heads incorporate a really neat flip-down data screen. Once more, this new unit is available for you to choose with or without Grav Chutes. /

Elysian Heads with Respirators

Again, a few weeks ago we released an upgrade pack of Cadian infantry equipped with Respirators. Imperial Guard units use Respirators when operating in environments containing gases or particulates that could be harmful or impair the fighting ability of the troops. A few likely examples are smoke filled buildings, noxious swamps or spore filled Tyranid Hives. This is a pack of twelve individual Elysian Respirator heads, eleven ‘normal’ and one special one for your vox-caster.

Black Templars Storm Shields

Back in White Dwarf issue 312, some pictures of Mark Bedford’s converted Black Templars Terminators aroused plenty of interest, with lots of requests for Forge World to make and release similar Storm Shields. Working together, Mark Bedford and Simon Egan have created a set of five different Black Templars Terminator Storm Shields even more ornate and characterful than Mark’s originals! These new Storm Shields attach to your Assault Terminators in the same way as the standard plastic shields you get in the box, but these are literally covered in purity seals and honour badges, all of which adds heaps of character to your elite unit.

Black Templars Terminator Shoulder Pads

To help enhance both your Terminator and Assault Terminator squads, Simon Egan recently finished work on a complete set of shoulder pads for the Black Templars. The set is made up of 5 left-hand pads, all bearing a beautifully detailed Crux Terminatus, and five individual right-hand pads that really are mini works of art. One thing I love is how Simon has aged each shoulder pad: Look carefully and you can see the scrapes and nicks that the armour has picked up during centuries of combating the enemies of Humanity.

Games Day Atlanta

As Dean mentioned in our last newsletter, Forge World will be in the USA on March 18th for Games Day Atlanta. If you want to be sure of getting exactly what you want, and don’t want to have to rush over to us as soon as the doors open, please think seriously about placing a reservation order with us.. We should have a few Games Day ‘specials’ available too. I’m trying to get hold of some of the Kroot Bird model that we had a few of at last year’s Games Day UK. I also hope to have some Epic 40,000 Multipart Space Marines and some 1/6th scale Laspistols too! /

Games Day Paris and Games Day Los Angeles

Forge World is also now able to start taking reservation orders for both Games Day Paris and Games Day Los Angeles.

Forge World
Games Workshop
Willow Road, Lenton
Nottingham, NG7 2WS

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