Destroyed Tank

One of the games I enjoyed a lot at GamesDay 2007 was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrews’ excellent World War One demonstration game.

It was all the little details that made the game for me such as this destroyed World War One tank.

Mk IV Tank Male slowly trundles forward crushing the barbed wire obstacles in its path.

Rusting away amongst the trenches giving cover to the advanced forces.

You can see many more pictures of the game on my website.

Stop the pigeon!

One of the games I enjoyed a lot at GamesDay 2007 was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrews’ excellent World War One demonstration game.

It was all the little details that made the game for me such as this carrier pigeon vignette.

Again it is the little touches, here an artillery spotter releases a homing pigeon.
Again it is the little touches, here an artillery spotter releases a homing pigeon.

You can see many more pictures of the game on my website.

Warmaster Historical

According to Rick Priestly (who is probably the best source on these kind of things), there will be an historical version of Warmaster to be released by Warhammer Historical Wargames.

Ah well Ed fortunately I still have the old old job to go back to – but as of last week I have been officially on holiday or, to put it another way, finishing off the historical version of Warmaster for Warhammer Historical Wargames.

I wonder if they will produce some miniatures???