Spielberg's War of the Worlds Trailer now online…

I mentioned in a previous post that Steve Spielberg was making a film version of War of the Worlds.
You can now watch the trailer online and visit the official website.
Alas it is set in the modern day (and there I was hoping it would be a 19th Century version) and the trailer does not tell you much at all….
…oh and the film stars Tom Cruise!

Spielberg’s War of the Worlds Trailer now online…

I mentioned in a previous post that Steve Spielberg was making a film version of War of the Worlds.

You can now watch the trailer online and visit the official website.

Alas it is set in the modern day (and there I was hoping it would be a 19th Century version) and the trailer does not tell you much at all….

…oh and the film stars Tom Cruise!

Fewer new models…

This comment from Jervis about new Army lists:

The way I think things will work is like this:

1. Variant lists will need to work with the existing model range for the race they are a variant of.

2. Chaos and Tyranids will need to work with the ‘old’ model range. That is, we will need to come up with lists that I can make work by simply putting the old ranges back into production.

3. With Titan Legion, OGBM, Tau and Necrons we carry on as we are currently, and you guys will just have to leave it to me to try and make sure that the models are made once we have a viable list in place.

Finally, in cases 1 & 2 we can still come up with new models, but if we do we’ll need to be able to tell players how they can make them themselves by converting models from the existing Citadel range, or using Citadel models as ‘stand-ins’. We can apply the same principle to the Titan Legion and OGBM lists to, if we want to.

On a positive note, this approach may allow us to get list up and running *sooner* than was the case before, so it’s not all downside.

Best regards,

Jervis Johnson
Head Fanatic

…implies that there will be fewer new models, if any at all…

This is a pity.

Fanatic Evolving or is this just cutbacks…

Message from Jervis Johnson on the official epic forums:

Fanatic support for the Specialist Game Range will be moving primarily online in the New Year. Work has already started on an exciting new Fanatic web and community site, and we will be announcing the precise launch date for the new site in the coming weeks. This is an exciting time for Fanatic, and will enable us to concentrate our resources on supporting the existing Specialist Games community via the web.

As part of this process Fanatic and the main Games Workshop Studio are being reorganised into a single integrated team. Over the last five years the Fanatic studio has taken the Specialist Games Range a long way, and I think we’ve done an excellent job of working with the online communities that have grown up around the Specialist Games Range. However, by bringing support for the Specialist Range into the main Studio and taking Fanatic online we will be able to greatly improve the quality of the support that we provide.

I’ll be staying on as Head Fanatic along with some of the members of the existing Fanatic team. Other members of the team will be going off to join other departments and do new jobs. I hope that you will join with me in wishing them well in the future. I know that they will do Fanatic proud!

What won’t be changing is Games Workshop’s commitment to provide ongoing support for all seven Specialist Game systems. All of the games and miniatures will remain available through Games Workshops Direct Sales operations and Online Stores, and we will also continue to bring out new releases, though we do plan to reduce the sheer quantity of new models that we make so that we concentrate on improving the online support that we provide. Even so we have some great new releases coming up over the next few months, highlights of which include the Swordwind supplement and Eldar army for Epic, and the fabulous new Battle of Five Armies game by Rick ‘Warmaster’ Priestley.

If you have any thoughts, comments or feedback about this evolution in the way that Fanatic is going to be providing support for the Specialist Games Range, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I can be reached by email at jervis@games-workshop.co.uk. Although I can’t promise to reply to all the emails I receive, I do read all of the correspondence I receive and I would love to hear from you.

Best regards,

Jervis Johnson
Head Fanatic

In my opinion, this is not evolving, this is cutting back…

Maybe it is the cynic in me, but my business background tells me this all about cost cutting.

Reduce staff

Reduce production

Move support from paper to online and let people develop and plan the games for free.

This should save money…

If Fanatic were doing well and making money then they would be expanded and staff increased.

Fanatic Magazine Issue #4

Finally managed to get a copy, even though it was hidden…

When I was last in a Games Workshop store (a couple of weeks back) I did ask if they had a copy of issue #4 of Fanatic magazine and they said it was out in a week.

Last week at GamesDay though there were copies on the Fanatic Studio to peruse but none for sale. I did try and convince Fanatic to give me a review copy for the website, but they must have had hundreds of people asking that as they gave me a flat no!

Popped into a local Games Workshop store today and couldn’t see a copy out, so I asked if they had it in, it was, hidden behind some copies of the Warhammer comic behind the counter…. obviously well set out and easy to find for the casual purchaser who doesn’t know it exists!

When asked why this was the case the answer was they they didn’t want to hide it, as they got their copies free already…. didn’t make sense then, doesn’t make sense now!

As for the contents, the Epic Siege Army is covered as is Nurgle for Warmaster, more information from the GW site:

In this issue there are tactics for fielding either an Imperial or Chaos fleet in BFG. The Imperial Guards Baran Siegemasters arrive in Epic Armageddon and Blood Bowl hits the streets with the rules for Street bowl games. The hordes of Nurgle slime their way onto the Battlefield in Warmaster, and the lights are out in Necromunda with rules for Blind fighting and can Inquisitor Kessel escape from the clutches of Witch Hunter Tyrus in Inquisitor? All this and more including the regular news and features.

Car Wars 2004

When I was younger I use to play a lot of Car Wars and even had an article published in Autoduel Quarterly, the magazine for Car Wars. One feature of the mag I liked was the historical references to “current” day events.

I was looking for something else on the web when I came across this, the SmarTruck III.

Now the blurb from the website says:

SmarTruck III is built on an International medium duty truck platform and features the most advanced communications, detection and deterrent systems to be deployed in a vehicle-based mobile unit. The next three commercial variants of SmarTruck III will be delivered to the Air Force; other potential end users are the Border Patrol and the U.S. Marshals Service.

SmarTruck III, like its two predecessors, is loaded with sophisticated technology including a weapons station module – featuring a remote controlled 50-calibre machine gun – a surveillance module with a 360-degree camera, a pan and tilt night vision camera with laser range finder, a hydraulic assist system to help the vehicle during acceleration, a regenerative braking system, which stores energy and makes the vehicle more fuel efficient and a terrain adjustable suspension and chassis system. The vehicle has sufficient gross vehicle weight (GVW) to accommodate armor and additional weapons or control modules while still providing excellent performance and fuel efficiency.

(my emphasis)

Now if that is not straight out of Car Wars I don’t know what is?

Weapons of Choice – first part of the Axis of Time Trilogy…

I am currently reading and enjoying John Birmingham’s Weapons of Choice, the first part of the Axis of Time Trilogy.

It is not high brow science fiction and anyone who has seen the film the Final Countdown will be having deja vue.

There are a few references to Harry Turtledove’s World War series which aren’t really needed and of course there are a lot of similarities between the two books.

Having said that it is a fun read and I will be looking forward to the next two books.

You can get the book in the UK from Amazon.