Forgeworld Newsletter #153


The hour has come around at last and this is your final newsletter before the delights of Games Day UK are upon us, and here at Forge World we are still working flat-out make our part of the event the best we possibly can. To say Forge World will be represented in force at Games Day UK is an understatement; not only will we have our sales stand packed to the gunwales with all the stock we can manage, you’ll also get the chance to meet our whole team of designers and sculptors, catch a glance at what the future has in store from us, and even see our forthcoming air-combat game Aeronautica Imperialis in action!

Also, as in previous years, we’ll be offering a brand new special edition model to commemorate the event, and this year it’s a treat for Warhammer players and collectors alike in the shape of a multi-part resin Slann model to lead your lizard hordes to victory, or merely gaze inscrutably from your display case.

But all that aside this newsletter previews for you the last of the new models we’re hoping to showcase at Games Day UK; further additions to the fantastically grim new Death Korps of Krieg range in the shape of more heavy weapons teams, and last but by no means least, a model that has been the source of much guesswork and rumour, so without further ado I give you the Eldar Avatar…

Alan Bligh,
Forge World.

The Burning God

A colossus of burning metal that bestrides the battlefield at the head of the Eldar war host, the Avatar of Khaine is unleashed in only the direst of circumstances and against the most terrible of foes. Infused with the terrible power of the Eldar god of war and the sacrificed soul of a great warrior, the Avatar is an almost unstoppable force, fully capable of crushing daemons and war machines or sweeping aside whole swathes of lesser troops in its wake, as well as providing a focus of unshakable resolve for the Eldar.


Sculpted by Juan Diaz, and released to tie-in with the recent renewal of the Eldar range, our new Avatar model striding twice the height of a Space Marine Dreadnought at round 4.7 inches (118mm) tall, follows in the tradition of our Greater Daemons, providing you with larger scale, and highly characterful models for use either in your games or simply as a centrepiece for your collection. I think it really captures the nature of the Avatar in all its barely-constrained, burning power.

The Eldar Avatar is available to pre-order now for release on the 9th of October, we are trying to get hold of a limited stock of the new Avatar models to sell on Games Day UK itself, but these will be on a strictly first-come, first-serve basis, so if you’re after one get to our stand as soon as you can.

Death Korps Firepower

In addition to the Heavy Bolter and Lacannon teams for the Death Korps previewed in our last newsletter, here you can also see our new Autocannon, Mortar and Twin-linked Heavy Stubber heavy weapons teams (yes, you read that last one correctly!) As with the previous releases these are available either as separate teams, with three individual versions of each weapon type, and as packs of three. Like the rest of our rapidly growing Death Korps of Krieg infantry range, these are multi-part resin models with a plethora of extra options and equipment allowing you to make some truly individual models. You will also notice that the heavy weapons themselves are new patterns unique to the Death Korps and capture their dark and industrial style of warfare.

Available to pre-order now for release on the 9th of October, we will have these models on show at Games Day UK.
Look forward to more Death Korps releases in the future.


The items detailed in this newsletter (The Avatar and the Death Korps of Krieg Mortar, Heavy Stubber and Autocannon squads and teams) are all available to pre-order now for shipping the week commencing the 9th of October.

Games Day Special Editions

As well as our brand spanking new special edition Slann, available for the first time at Games Day UK, you will also have a chance at the event to purchase (probably for the last time) the remaining stock of some of our previous special edition models. These are the famed Multi-Part Epic Space Marine, the Kroot Bird and the 1:6 scale Imperial Laspistol. Once we are out of stock of these they probably won’t be recast, so if you need any of the above for your collection, now’s likely to be your last chance.

A Final Note About Reservations

Owing to the constraints of time (and crowbaring as much as we can into the back of trucks for the Event), we can no longer take reservation orders for pick up at Games Day UK itself. If you have placed a reservation with us, to pick up your order on the day, head over to the reservation point at the Forge World retail stand by 3pm at the latest to pick up your goodies. If you have any questions or queries regarding this, don’t hesitate to give us a ring on 0115 916 8177.

See You At Games Day!

Forge World
Games Workshop
Willow Road, Lenton
Nottingham, NG7 2WS

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Forgeworld Newsletter #152

Wow, amazing Gorgon…

I am very impressed with the Gorgon, I think Forgeworld have done a fantastic job on it, tempted to get one at GamesDay this weekend. It’s very landing craft-like and I suspect that the rules say it is amphibious.

To use with what, who cares, it’s a great model!

Okay maybe to use with my Daemonhunters.


THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES: ‘What?’ You say ‘Two newsletters from Forge World in this short space of time, have they gone mad?’ No, far from it, our output of newsletters only reflects the frenetic pace of preparations here for Games Day UK, and we aren’t sparing the lash to bring you as much as we can both in terms of stock and new products for this prestigious event. With this in mind this newsletter previews more new releases for the long-anticipated Death Korps of Krieg in the shape of the massive Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport and the first two of the forthcoming Death Korps Heavy Weapons range. We are hoping to have some stock of these items on Games Day UK itself, but this will be in strictly limited numbers.

Look out for a further, final pre-Games Day newsletter before the event where further revelations await!

ARMOURED ONSLAUGHT!: Fresh from the forges is the latest in our range of super-heavy vehicles The Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport. This massive vehicle is used by the Imperial Guard (and favoured particularly by the Death Korps) for heavy assaults, and it is designed for breaching fortified lines and entrenchments, literally smashing its way through opposing defences to unleash its cargo of troops into the heart of the enemy position.

 The Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport
The Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport

Have I mentioned the size of the thing? The Gorgon is simply huge, with a transport capacity of no fewer than 50 (yes 50!) infantry models, more than enough for an entire Imperial Guard platoon, and with heavy armour and structure points it can be relied on to weather a storm of fire as it advances. We will be releasing two variants of the Gorgon, the first shown here is equipped with sponsons mounting four multi-option anti-personal heavy weapons to defend the Gorgon from enemy infantry assault while the second variant shown here is equipped instead with mortars to bombard enemy trenches in preparation for attack. In addition both variants of this highly detailed kit mount two twin-linked heavy stubbers in rear turrets, as well as a two-section movable assault ramp to the front and a movable access ramp to the rear. The Gorgon also features a fully detailed interior and three-man crew (a Death Korps driver and two gunner models.) Full rules for the Gorgon will feature in a forthcoming Imperial Armour book, but we should have some experimental rules up on the web site soon. We hope to have a limited stock of Gorgons available for Games Day UK, and we are taking pre-orders now for a release commencing the 9th of October.

BRING UP THE GUNS!: Also available for pre-order now for release commencing the 9th of October are the first two in the series of Death Korps Heavy Weapons Teams, featuring in this case the Heavy Bolter and the Lascannon. Available either individually (with three different versions of each team), or in squads of three, they will allow you to bring withering firepower down on your enemies and provide cover for the Death Korps’ relentless advance. More heavy weapons teams to follow shortly.
Personally I love these models, the level of detail, the sense of action and individuality the sculptors have managed to invest them with I think is simply brilliant. They also capture for me the distinctive visual theme that is going to make the Death Korps instantly recognisable on any battlefield; a post-Victorian nightmare of industrialised warfare.
Like the Gorgon we are hoping to have a limited supply of these models available on Games Day itself.

AND THE WINNER IS…: Also at Games Day UK, Forge World will be continuing its tradition of presenting the prestigious ‘Forge World Best In Show’ award to one deserving entrant in this year’s Golden Demon. This award is decided by us rather than the Golden Demon panel and is judged across all categories of entrants, it’s awarded purely and simply to the entrant with the best use of a Forge World model in the show, and its one of our favourite parts of the whole event.

Pre-Ordering: The items detailed in this newsletter (The Gorgon Armoured Assault Transport and Gorgon Armoured Transport with Gun Sponsons and the Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Bolter and Lascannon squads and teams) are all available to pre-order now for shipping the week commencing the 9th of October.

Forge World
Games Workshop
Willow Road, Lenton
Nottingham, NG7 2WS

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Forgeworld Imperial Desert Tallarn Entrance

This is one of the Forgeworld Imperial Desert Tallarn Entrance from their display cabinet at GamesDay 2005.

I an not sure about these, I think as entrances to buildings they would be great, but as entrances to underground bunkers in the desert I don’t they work. The concept seems flawed to me. What do you think?

Forgeworld Newsletter #151

Death Korps finally arrive, but no horses, yet…


The Hour Fast Approaches…

Not long to go now, only two scant weeks until the hobby extravaganza that is Games Day UK at the NEC in Birmingham on Sunday September 24th; it’s by far the largest and busiest event in our calendar and Forge World will be there in force. Not only will we be taking all the stock we can cram in the back of several trucks, you will also be able to bask in the glory of the finished Manta and catch a glimpse of (and buy) many new releases and forthcoming models. Perhaps best of all, you’ll be able to get your hands on the beginnings of a new range perhaps even more talked about and desirable than anything we have done before -the Death Korps of Krieg, and your first look at this ‘resin candy’ as we’ve taken to calling it at the office is right here!

Look out for further newsletters in the run up to UK Games day for more news and updates.

Total War Unleashed! The Death Korps of Krieg Arrive

From the time we first previewed some concept sketches and mock up model at Games Day in Paris, these models have built up a stir of enthusiasm and excitement throughout the world, and since then the mock-ups and works in progress we have displayed at numerous events have only added fuel to the fire. But at last the wait is over, by following the link below you can see the finished models themselves in the shape of our first Death Korps release: Death Korps Infantry Squad Advancing. This squad set features ten complete multi-part resign miniatures dramatically posed for an aggressive advance, including a sergeant and flamer trooper, as well as backpacks and a plethora of extra gear such as grenades, bayonets and entrenching tools to personalise the squad to your own design.

Here at Forge World we are incredibly proud of the work our designers Simon Egan, Will Hayes and Mark Bedford have put in on this new range, and we think that you will agree that they are simply some of the best models we have ever produced. In fact we have deliberately blown up some of the images that follow to allow you to see the astonishing level of detail our sculptors have managed to achieve here.

Rest assured these models are only the beginning and the next few months will see the Death Korps range grow release-by-release into a full army complete with additional troop models, special weapons, heavy weapons teams, command squads, Death Riders and grenadiers as well as their own specialised armour and support. All of which will be expansively detailed in our forthcoming Imperial Armour campaign books, where they will battle against the forces of Chaos, as depicted by the recently released Renegade Militia models.

SPECIAL NOTE: As well as being available for pre-order now for release on the 9th of October, we will have a strictly limited supply available for sale at UK Games Day, if you just can’t wait for the normal release date (and why would you want to?) To avoid disappointment on the day we recommend you place a reservation order for pick up on the day (see details below).

Eldar Falcon: Swift & Deadly

As part of the renewal of the Eldar range with their forthcoming revised Codex, here at Forge World we have a few things in the pipeline to expand our existing range of kits for these ancient and deadly aliens. Available for pre-order (and in limited numbers at UK Games Day), either as a complete package with all the required plastics or as a conversion kit, our upgrade for the Falcon grav tank allows you to customise your Falcons to match the style and aesthetics of our existing models such as the Scorpion II, or simply make them stand out from the crowd with a sleeker, swifter look.

Etched In Brass

Also available to pre-order in our expanding range of popular etched brass, are new products for the Blood Angels and Space Wolves Space Marine Chapters. The symbols provide numerous opportunities for you to customise your vehicles, banners and troops with Chapter specific iconography to unique effect.


The items detailed in this newsletter (Death Korps of Krieg –Infantry Squad Advancing, Eldar Falcon conversion & complete kit and the Blood Angels and Space Wolves etched brass) are all available to pre-order now for shipping the week commencing the 9th of October.

Games Day Reservations

Forge World’s next show is the biggest and busiest of them all, Games Day UK at the NEC in Birmingham on Sunday September 24th. At a busy event like a Games Day Forge World can run out of some models very quickly, but we are happy to offer a free reservation service. Having what you want to buy from Forge World reserved for you means you don’t have to rush over first thing because we pick and pack your order a few days before the show and it is sitting waiting for you at our dedicated reservation collection point marked with a big red sign and flashing orange light. To place a reservation, just email us your name and a list of what you want to buy and we shall take care of the rest. Reservations must reach us by Monday September 18th so we have enough time to pack them up for you.

Forge World
Games Workshop
Willow Road, Lenton
Nottingham, NG7 2WS

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