I now have my boxed set of the Precept Maniple Battleforce and though I think I will be constructing the Warlord Titan first, I will also be making the other models including the Warbringer Nemesis Titan. This is the GW version which looks very inspiring.
The Warbringer Nemesis Titan serves the Collegia Titanica in the role of heavy fire support. It mounts a single Warlord-scale weapon on its upper carapace and Reaver-scale weapons on its arms – sacrificing the speed, armour and manoeuvrability of a conventional Battle Titan in favour of firepower far in excess of its size. Though rare and specialised, the Warbringer Nemesis is a sight to inspire dread in all but the most battle-hardened enemy princeps.
Before I for the boxed set and saw the instructions I had been thinking about construction and painting, do I partially assemble the model and then paint it before finishing off the construction? Well the instructions recommend painting the core structure first before adding the armour plates.
I am also thinking about the colour scheme. I am thinking blue as the predominant colour.
As with most of my painting and modelling I do like to see what others have done and when I visited Warhammer World in January 2020 there were many models on display that were inspiring to see. Though I didn’t take any photographs of the Adeptus Titanicus scale Warbringer Nemesis Titan I did take some of the Forge World 40k scale titan.