In 2019 I went at writing and posting much more and this year I published 143 blog posts. Compare that to 2018 when I wrote just 21 blog posts.
Here are my top ten blog posts in reverse order. As is typical most posts are from previous years.
Tenth most popular was the start of a workbench feature on the Forge World Ork Big Trakk.
Ninth post was photographs from Dwarf City under attack. This was of my favourite display game at GamesDay 2008, it was the Dwarf City that was under attack by a sea borne Orc and Goblin army.
I have added a new gallery of this display game on the site with higher resolution photographs.
Post at number eight was this one on the then new(ish) miniature on display at the Forge World Open Day of the Nurgle Daemon Prince.
Post number seven was on the then new Forge World conversion kits for the plastic Baneblade model.
Sixth most popular post was from 2019 and was a little bit of a rant about the Warhammer 40K version of Monopoly!
At number five was another Dwarf City under attack post.
The number four post was from this year, it was about the availability of PDFs of GZG’s Dirtside Rules.
At number three was a post about the upgrade sprue for the Ork Battlewagon from 2009.
My second most popular post was a photograph of a Beautiful Dystopian Wars game.
My top post in 2019 was this post about that Dwarf City under attack.
Followers of the blog will have realised I am now adding new pages to the site as I migrate the old site to this new one. Taking advantage to add higher resolution photographs and update links and images.