White Scars Primaris Invader ATV

This White Scars Primaris Invader ATV was in the displays at Warhammer World.

The Invader is a highly flexible all-terrain vehicle, perfectly adapted to an aggressive reconnaissance role. Outfitted with either a multi-melta or an onslaught gatling cannon, it can rapidly deliver punishing fire against vulnerable parts of the enemy line, or swiftly engage and destroy scouting elements of opposing forces.

Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant

Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant
Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant at Warhammer World

The Valiant lays down blistering volleys of fire as its escorts transports or supports infantry in ferocious fighting, crossing rushing watercourses, sucking marshlands and bubbling lava with equal ease. Its twin las-talons spit death at the foe, making short work of enemy armour and cracking open fortified positions.

Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant at Warhammer World
Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant at Warhammer World

Like the Predator is to a Rhino, the design of the Gladiator is based upon that of an Impulsor’s chassis, and has been designed to serve as a front line battle tank rather than a transport vehicle.

Dark Angels Death Wing Primaris Repulsor Executioner

This Dark Angels Death Wing Primaris Repulsor Executioner was in the displays at Warhammer World.

Dark Angels Death Wing Primaris Repulsor Executioner at Warhammer World
Dark Angels Death Wing Primaris Repulsor Executioner at Warhammer World

The Repulsor Executioner is the undisputed king of firepower in the Space Marine arsenal. This heavily armored tank boasts a choice of devastating main guns: the macro plasma incinerator melts enemies with superheated fury, while the heavy laser destructor obliterates them with raw precision. But that’s not all! A coaxial onslaught gatling cannon lays down a withering hail of bullets, while additional weaponry like krakstorm grenade launchers, storm bolters, and heavy stubbers ensure no target escapes its wrath. For those who crave even more dakka, defensive auto launchers and Icarus rocket pods can be added to turn the Executioner into a true anti-air menace.

Dark Angels Death Wing Primaris Repulsor Executioner at Warhammer World
Dark Angels Death Wing Primaris Repulsor Executioner at Warhammer World

While some Space Marine Chapters use Executioners as escorts for troop carriers, many prefer to unleash them with a deadly cargo: squads of Hellblasters or other Primaris specialists. These tanks become mobile fortresses, thundering across the battlefield and unleashing relentless barrages. The enemy wilts under the combined firepower of the Executioner’s primary weapon and its extensive secondary arsenal, leaving only ruin in their wake.

Dark Angels Primaris Repulsor

This Dark Angels Primaris Repulsor was on display at Warhammer World when I visited there back in 2023.

The Repulsor is an Imperial anti-gravitic main battle tank intended to provide armoured support for the Primaris Space Marines of many different Chapters.

More photographs of the Primaris Repulsor.

Dark Angels Gladiator Lancer

This Dark Angels Gladiator Lancer was on display at Warhammer World.

Dark Angels Gladiator Lancer

With pinpoint accuracy, the Gladiator Lancer picks off the heaviest enemy armour, the laser destroyer punching smouldering holes in their hulls. Such is the range of its heavy cannon that it can eliminate threats to the Space Marines before they encounter them, storming past burning wrecks to claim their objectives.

Dark Angels Gladiator Lancer

Like the Predator is to a Rhino, the design of the Gladiator is based upon that of an Impulsor’s chassis, and has been designed to serve as a front line battle tank rather than a transport vehicle.

Primaris Repulsor

The Repulsor is an Imperial anti-gravitic main battle tank intended to provide armoured support for the Primaris Space Marines of many different Chapters.

Salamanders Primaris Repulsor
Salamanders Primaris Repulsor
Ultramarines Primaris Repulsor
Ultramarines Primaris Repulsor
Imperial Fists Primaris Repulsor
Imperial Fists Primaris Repulsor
Salamanders Primaris Repulsor
Salamanders Primaris Repulsor
Dark Angels Primaris Repulsor
Dark Angels Primaris Repulsor
Imperial Fists Primaris Repulsor
Imperial Fists Primaris Repulsor

Battle for Cadropolis

Cadropolis is the capital of the agri-world Masali.

The Tainted Sons have shattered the formidable defences of the hive city with a bombardment of incendiary shells and virus bombs. The Tainted Sons are a vectorium of the Death Guard and is now ready to overrun and destroy the hive city which has vital processor cathedrums.

Defending the hive city are Primaris Marines of the 2nd Company of the Ultramarines.

This diorama, at Warhammer World, was created, for the release of the new edition of Warhammer 40000 uses the figures from two Dark Imperium boxed sets (with some additional poxwalkers).