Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant

Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant
Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant at Warhammer World

The Valiant lays down blistering volleys of fire as its escorts transports or supports infantry in ferocious fighting, crossing rushing watercourses, sucking marshlands and bubbling lava with equal ease. Its twin las-talons spit death at the foe, making short work of enemy armour and cracking open fortified positions.

Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant at Warhammer World
Ultramarines Gladiator Valiant at Warhammer World

Like the Predator is to a Rhino, the design of the Gladiator is based upon that of an Impulsor’s chassis, and has been designed to serve as a front line battle tank rather than a transport vehicle.


A new set of Gladiatorial rules have been released by Warhammer Historical.
Gladiator enables players to recreate the brutal arena combat of the Roman Empire on the wargames table.

This full colour 144 page hardback rulebook contains rules for gladiatorial arena contests featuring human combatants, wild animals, elephants and chariots as well as mass battle spectacles and mock sea battles. Full rules and background are provided for gladiators of both the Imperial and Republican eras, along with ten action-packed scenarios and a detailed campaign system that allows rival gladiatorial schools to compete in several different periods of Roman history.
The Gladiator rulebook is packed with inspirational photography and a detailed hobby section covering collecting, assembling and painting gladiatorial miniatures.


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