Ork Kommando with Burna

The Ork Kommando with Burna comes as two castings.

Ork Kommando with Burna

The actual model comprises four components, the main body, a backpack and the two arms, one of which has the actual burna.

Ork Kommando with Burna

Fitting the model together was relatively easy, the arms fitted well and there are only minimal gaps which need filling.

Ork Kommando with Burna

At the moment I am not sure whether to attach the backpack now or later.

Ork Kommando with Burna

Next stage will be using green stuff to fill the gaps.

Ork Kommando with Burna (again) didn’t realise I had one already…

When I got my XXX White Dwarf figure I purchased an Ork Kommando with Burna as I wanted the figure to go with my Ork Kommandos.

What I had forgotten was I had purchased the very same figure in March!


Ah well so I have two now.

So that means more than one way to burn Imperial Guard tanks!