Drybrushing some tiny planes

I did some more painting of my Asuryani Flyers. These are the Asuryani Flyers (though I think of them as Eldar Flyers) that came with the Wrath of Angels boxed game. You get three Nightwing fighters, in the Wrath of Angels boxed game, you also get three Phoenix Bombers.

I had given the models a base coat of Ork Flesh contrast paint. After touching up bits of the model that I had missed, I then gave the models a drybrush of a green dry paint to bring out the highlights.

This is one of the Nightwing fighters.

This is a Phoenix Bomber.

Painting Tiny Planes

I did some more painting of my Asuryani Flyers.

These are the Asuryani Flyers (though I think of them as Eldar Flyers) that came with the Wrath of Angels boxed game.

You get three Nightwing fighters, in the Wrath of Angels boxed game, you also get three Phoenix Bombers.

I had given the models a base coat of Ork Flesh contrast paint. After touching up bits of the model that I had missed, I then gave the models a drybrush of a green dry paint to bring out the highlights.

Asuryani Vampire Flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis

Was really only yesterday that we had the announcement about new Necron flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis. Today was have another Forge World Aeronautica Imperialis released announced, this time for the Asuryani.

We will be getting the Vampire Raider and the Vampire Hunter.

The Vampire Raider is a large Asuryani atmospheric craft, but its speed and agility belie its size.

Vampire Raider

Armed with twin-linked shuriken cannons and a nose-mounted scatter laser as standard, it can put out an impressive 17 shots at close range, all while carrying its load of jump troops to their drop site.

I love the mention of jump troops, part of me with my wishful thinking, is we will see those jump troops in a expansion of ground forces for Adeptus Titanicus (a future Epic or Space Marine game). The rational realist in me says, no, won’t happen.

The Vampire Hunter is a similar craft, it though replaces the Raider’s troop compartment with phoenix missile launchers, meaning it’s the ideal heavy ground attack bomber.

It’s also armed with a twin-linked pulsar instead of the shuriken cannon, making it absolutely deadly at long range.

Suspect that like the Necron flyers, this will be a single kit with the option to build either version.

Unlike the Necrons I may actually order these models to go with the Eldar, sorry Asuryani, flyers I already have on my workbench.


Going green with the Asuryani Flyers

These are the Asuryani Flyers (though I think of them as Eldar Flyers) that came with the Wrath of Angels boxed game.

You get three Nightwing fighters, in the Wrath of Angels boxed game, you also get three Phoenix Bombers.

So the next stage after giving the Asuryani Flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis a white undercoat was to think about the colour scheme.

My Ork flyers are red and yellow, so decided I wanted something different to that. My Imperial Navy flyers are dark blue, and again I wanted to avoid duplication. So what was left on the colour wheel was potentially green.

I did quite like this Eldar colour scheme from the GW displays at Warhammer World and Games Day.

Eldar Falcon
Falcon Grav Tank

And this one.

Falcon Grav Tank
Falcon Grav Tank

So that was that really, I was going green.

It did what I wanted on the model in the sense of adding shadow to the panel lines.

This wasn’t as effective has I hoped with some pooling in places on the flat wings.

I think with a heavy dry brush I can retain the shadows and remove some of the effects of the pooling.

The next stage will be that heavy dry brush and then a lighter dry brush to draw out the highlights.

After that it will be detailing the engines and weapons.

Undercoating the Asuryani Flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis

Having constructed the Asuryani Flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis I gave them a white undercoat.

This is one of the three Phoenix Bombers I have built.

This is one of the Nightwing fighters.

Next step will be the basecoat.

Asuryani Flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis

These are the Asuryani Flyers (though I think of them as Eldar Flyers) that came with the Wrath of Angels boxed game.

You get three Nightwing fighters.

The primary aircraft employed by the enigmatic xenos known as Craftworld Aeldari, Nightwing fighters possesses a level of speed and manoeuvrability that appears preternatural. In battle, squadrons of Nightwings weave around enemy aircraft, tearing their foe apart with bursts of fire from shuriken cannons and bright lances. The Asuryani air fleet is full of intensely fast, hard-hitting yet fragile aircraft. Nightwings are all of these, with the speed and maneuverability to stay out of the line of fire and set up an ideal tailing position before unleashing devastating firepower. 

There are three of these in the Wrath of Angels boxed set. These are the painted versions on the GW website.

There are three models on the single sprue you get in the Wrath of Angels boxed set.

These were simple models to construct, though the swing wings were a little fiddly.

They do move, but I kind of expect them get “stuck” once undercoated and painting.

Next step will be a white undercoat.

In the Wrath of Angels boxed game, you also get three Phoenix Bombers. Continue reading “Asuryani Flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis”