Painting the Militia Pickup Trucks

After thinking about it for a while I have ordered the Battlefront Militia Group and Pickup Trucks for Team Yankee. I like the concept of armed militia and pick up trucks with HMGs on board, they had been on my wants list for a while. They could also be used for games in Wessex: The Second English Civil War for insurgent and militia forces.

After temporarily basing the figures, I gave them and the trucks a white undercoat.

The pickup truck bed gunners I used a variety of Citadel contrast paints as a base for the models.

I also have a spare militia from that blister which I am going to add to one of the pick up trucks.

I gave one of the pick up trucks a wash of a grey shade.

This needs more work.

The other I sprayed. Army Painter Desert Yellow Spray. The wheels were then painted dark grey.

I then gave the model a wash using a shade.

More work to do.

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