More on GamesDay 2006

I was reading the forums on and it would appear that a few people did not enjoy GamesDay 2006 as they had in previous years.

The big criticism was that there was very little to see which hadn’t been seen before and virtually no previews of miniatures and artwork from stuff which is scheduled to be released between now and GamesDay 2007. There was also complaints about the focus this year on the focus on gaming.

I am not sure where I stand on this, personally I like seeing the new stuff and seeing the preview stuff, but it would seem for a lot of people the reason to go to GamesDay is to “play games”. Certainly all the people playing games in this photograph seemed to be having fun!

If you went to GamesDay to see new stuff and previews, yes you would be disappointed.

If you went to have fun playing games, I suspect you had a good time.

There were some things which stood out for me, in particular this fantastic display of Space Wolves, which certainly blew me away.

I also had some really nice chats with people like Jez Godwin and Aly Morrison, people who were usually besieged by other gamers in previous years.

It was also nice to discuss stuff with Warwick again and talk about the new air rules.

Talking to the plastic model tooling guys was interesting, and its incredible to see to the advances in technology which should make plastic kits even better and more detailed than before.

I spent a long time talking to the Gorgon designer Daren Parrwood and what was planned for the Death Korps of Krieg, there will be quite a few conversion kits for the Korps as well as more new models and a lot of trench and siege stuff. All very Victorian Steampunk SF and World War Oneish.

There were also complaints about the standard of painting in the Golden Demon, and it did seem that there were very few outstanding pieces of work to see, I personally liked this Grot tank.

From the Golden Demon Display Cabinets and Forge World, photographed at GamesDay.

I suspect that one problem is that previous years’ standards were so high, it puts some of the top painters off.

I am still working on the photographs and they should be up this week.

Overall if you were looking for news and previews, no luck, if you were looking for gaming then you would have found it.

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