This Crimson Fists Vindicator was in the display cabinets at Warhammer World.
The Vindicator is a Rhino-based siege tank that boasts the most devastating weapon in the Space Marines’ armoury – the demolisher cannon. The demolisher cannon is the weapon of choice amongst the Imperium’s armies when faced with dug-in enemy infantry in a dense environment such as a cityfight or siege. The terrific blast unleashed by the detonation of the huge demolisher shells can bring down building in which the enemy take cover.
Games Workshop have had a Vindicator model in their ranges for many years now. Originally a conversion article in White Dwarf back in 1989, it was followed up some years later with a Forge World resin conversion kit of the then new plastic rhino.
In 2007 Games Workshop released a new plastic Vindicator. Not to be outdone, in 2013 Forge World released the Demios Pattern Vindicator. In 2023, ten years later, a Vindicator Siege Tank plastic kit for The Horus Heresy was released.