Grey Knight with Incinerator

My original colour scheme for the Grey Knights in my Daemonhunters army was done as follows:

      • Black undercoat
      • Chainmail base coat
      • Thinned blue ink wash
      • Mithril highlights

You can find out more here. However I was not happy with the results which looked too shiny.

Though I had followed the painting guide in the Codex there was one difference, I had used Chainmail and the guide recommended Boltgun metal.

My local store had sold out of Boltgun, but I managed to get a pot the other day from a GW store and had a go at re-painting the Grey Knights and was much happier with the results.

Epic Forgeworld Ork Gunwagons – the painting process has begun…

When I was at GamesDay 2003, I managed to get my hands on the new ForgeWorld Epic Ork Gunwagons (which are the Epic versions of the FW 40K Gunwagons).

They are good value for money, just £5 for three, and there are four different types.

As I suspect with a lot of people, I did not paint them straight away and put them in a box to do later…

However now I have got them out and undercoated them.

They are very detailed models, though the exhausts are somewhat delicate and many of them were broken in transit.

See the full workbench feature on the Epic Forgeworld Ork Gunwagons.

Grey Knights Land Speeder – conversion coming along nicely…

I am currently working on a Grey Knights Land Speeder for my Warhammer 40K Daemonhunters’ army.

I do realise that it is not in the Codex and there is not a lot of fluff to support such a model, however I do think it will look cool.

Using the Land Speeder which came with the original boxed set, purity symbols from ForgeWorld and a book and skull from the Inquisitor range.

The crew lower halves needed to be cut back as they were rounded and when the Grey Knight (metal models) are cut in half they will need a flat surface to stick to.

The Land Speeder weapon systems were “donated” to my Ork army to become a Loota unit.

The entire model was then sprayed black. The base colour is Boltgun metal.

See the full workbench feature on the Grey Knights Land Speeder.


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The point of this blog is to give me the opportunity to add comments on what is happening on the gaming scene, let you know what I am currently painting and modelling and link to relevant pages and websites.