My latest model for my Imperial Fists Horus Heresy force is the Typhon Heavy Siege Tank. Here is the virtually finished model in the desert.
I still need to add some transfers, and then I will do some further weathering.
I plan to use some weathering powders I got from Forge World many years ago.
I am not too happy with the engine area, so might look at that part of the model again.
The whole process started with constructing the model, I then finished putting it together. The next stage was a white undercoat. I then gave the model a partial base coat of Army Painter Desert Yellow. I then gave the model a base coat of Army Painter Daemonic Yellow. I painted the bolter and the exhausts using Citadel Leadbelcher. It was then onto shading the model and then shading it some more. I also painted the tracks. The Typhon was then drybrushed. I glued in the Dreadhammer Siege Cannon and added the frontal armour and after painting the sponson weapons, these were added to the Typhon, as were the tracks.
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