Greasus Goldtooth at Warhammer World

Overtyrant Greasus Goldtooth, or to give him his formal title, Tradelord Greasus Tribestealer Drakecrush Gatecrasher Hoardmaster Goldtooth the Shockingly Obese, is the fattest and most powerful Ogre Tyrant within the entire Ogre Kingdoms and holds the current title of Overtyrant, the Tyrant of all Ogre Tyrants. Greasus was one of the many whelps sired by the infamous Gofg, Tyrant of the Goldtooth Tribe. Like his brothers, Greasus grew up to become strong and fat. However, unlike his brothers, he killed and ate his own father. After assuming the Tyranthood of his tribe, and feeling the need to prove himself, Greasus demanded tithes from other kingdoms. All refused the audacious request and began baying for Greasus’ blood. Who was this upstart to demand gold and food from them? They would soon learn.
Fantasy Ogres Miniatures Gallery