Forge World Newsletter #190

Stormsword Arkurion Pattern

A new Forge World Newsletter with details of three new  Arkurion Pattern Super Heavy Tanks. These are the conversion kits for the plastic BaneBlade model. Quite good value at £85 each.

Hi There,

Things are still very busy here at Forge World, but we have some news of a release that I know a lot have you have been waiting for since one was first previewed at Games Day UK last year; the new Super Heavies are here! Also in this newsletter, we have some great new stuff for Aeronautica Imperialis and some events news for the New Year.

Alan Bligh

Three New Imperial Super Heavy Tanks

Stormblade Arkurion Pattern

Brand new and much anticipated are the Arkurion Pattern Stormsword, Shadowsword and Stormblade. These three new model kits are complete kits that use some of the sprues from the new GW Plastic Baneblade kit along with additional new resin components replacing the upper hulls, main weapon, engine deck and fighting compartment. These fantastic new super heavy tanks were designed by Daren Parrwood, and make fine additions to any collection whether you`re after the titan-killing firepower of the Shadowsword for your Apocalypse force or just after cool modelling project to test your skills on. These new super-heavies are available either individually or as part of special bundle deals of three to bring terror to your foes! You can find more details of our bundle deals here, and if you order the deal you’ll get free express shipping worldwide.

Here you can see pictures of the Shadowsword, Stormblade and Stormsword painted by the talented Phil Stutchinskas. You`ll be able to see further examples of Phil`s work along with a feature on how he achieved these stunning paint jobs, together with other Forge World projects from our Studio team in our forthcoming painting and modelling book, but more details on that in future newsletters!

Shadowsword Arkurion Pattern

These three new Super Heavy Tank kits (and bundles) are available for pre-order now for release the week commencing the 25th of February.

New for Aeronautica Imperialis

We also have three new releases for the Tau AI range this Newsletter in the shape of the AX-2-2 Tiger shark Drone Carrier, the Remora Stealth Drones and Aerial Mines, which you can see pictures of here. The addition of these aircraft adds even greater depth to the Tau Air Cadres, with the Tiger Shark deploying their deadly drone fighter cargo directly into the battle, while the aerial mines are fantastic defences in scenarios and campaigns.

Full rules for these aircraft, and the Typha Conflict it which they are first used in battle can be found in our Tactica Aeronautica expansion book, which (this seems a good time to mention!) can currently be purchased in a special bundle deal for a substantial saving along with the Aeronautica Imperialis rulebook on or online store.

These models are available for pre-order now for release the week commencing the 25th of February.

Gamesday Spain

Forge World will be attending our first show of the year at Games Day Spain on the 17th of February, we are however only able to take a limited selection of our stock. So, if you would like to place a reservation order for the items you`re after by phone or at our reservations email address at we’ll do our best to have your order waiting for you to pick up and pay for at the event. If you want to place a reservation, it must be with us no later than Monday the 4th of February

Forge World Open Day

Also we can confirm that we will be holding our second Forge World Open Day this Year at Warhammer World in Lenton on the 6th of April. I can`t give any more firm details yet other than to say that admission will once again be free. Last year`s Open Day was a great success, and our customers got to meet the designers, get their questions answered, take part in some special games and of course buy our latest items direct, and we are hoping to meet many of you again this year.

Forge World
Games Workshop
Willow Road, Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2WS