Looking for Daleks

So the BBC have released a new trailer for Doctor Who and there are a couple of shots of Daleks within it.

Now if you look carefully, not only can you see the Special Weapon Dalek, but there are also early era Daleks like those encountered by the first Doctor.

The Special Weapon Dalek was first seen in the classic Sylvester McCoy story, Remembrance of the Daleks.

Another view from Remembrance of the Daleks.

This new shot is not the only time it has appeared, it was also seen in Asylum of the Daleks.

So not long now until the new series of Doctor Who. Are you looking forward to it?


Doctor Who: A Big Hand For The Doctor

As part of the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, there are going to be eleven short novels from famous authors covering (as you might have guessed) all eleven Doctors.

 A Big Hand For The Doctor

The series starts with the First Doctor and is set in 1900.

London, 1900. The First Doctor is missing both his hand and his granddaughter, Susan. Faced with the search for Susan, a strange beam of soporific light, and a host of marauding Soul Pirates intent on harvesting human limbs, the Doctor is promised a dangerous journey into a land he may never forget…

I don’t know the First Doctor very well, but I did enjoy this story. Reading the reviews though seems to indicate that not everyone did.

Get A Big Hand For The Doctor at Amazon.

Get A Big Hand For The Doctor at Apple Book Store.