Dark Eldar

The Drukhari are of course the Warhammer 40K version of Dark Elves, hence their other moniker of Dark Eldar.

Across Warhammer World there were some lovely painted models of the Drukhari including this Razorwing Jetfighter.

Drukhari Razorwing Jetfighter

The Drukhari employ Razorwing Jetfighters to sow destruction and panic in the midst of the foe. No prey is fast enough to outpace these aggressive and consummately skilled fighter craft, for each of their pilots was once a member of the Reaver elite, and to them fighting at breakneck speed is second nature. To ensure the total destruction of their enemies, the Razorwing is equipped with a huge array of weapons with which they can rend, blast, shred and melt their targets. Most deadly of all is the monoscythe missile, engineered to explode at head-height in a horizontal wave of energy that will decapitate anyone nearby.

This was a Raider, the main transport of the Drukhari.

Drukhari Raider

Bladed skycraft, they are lightweight and extremely manoeuvrable. Raiders travel at extreme speed, using their sword-sharp fins and jagged keels to cut apart the foe, while their prow-mounted heavy weapons punish the foe.

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