Back in November 2019, I saw that Steve Jackson Games were going to “release” a revised sixth edition of Car Wars, using 1/64th scale models though Kickstarter. I took the plunge and ordered Car Wars 6th Edition on Kickstarter. Here we are in June 2022 and the box has finally arrived.
North America, A.D. 2070. It’s a new American frontier. The collapse of the U.S. government plunged the country back into the good old days — days of wilderness lawlessness, banditry, regional dictators, and of the men and women who combat them. Modern-day knights and gunslingers are in demand; but the automobile has replaced the horse, and the machine-gun and recoilless rifle have made the sword and Winchester obsolete. Car Wars is the game of autoduelling; futuristic vehicular combat where the right of way goes to the biggest guns. Players design their cars — complete with weapons, accessories, and crew — and then take them into the arena where one emerges victorious . . . and the others are annihilated.
In the core set I got there are two boxes each with six cars. These are really nice sharp castings and have a lot of detail. I really like all the vehicles. They are 1/64th scale models.
These are the six cars in Miniatures Box A.

These are the six cars in Miniatures Box B.

The next step will be a white undercoat.
I have started workbench features on all twelve cars to record progress.